Meghan Markle Talked About the Challenges of Being Biracial in a Now-Deleted Post from 'The Tig'

Meghan Markle, who we all now know as a super glamorous member of the British royal family, had a tough time in her twenties just like the rest of us. And if that wasn't relatable enough, she also found her teen years incredibly difficult.
In a 2014 post on her now-defunct blog The Tig, Meghan opened up about how being biracial made her teen years a challenge. Express reports that Meghan wrote:
My teens were even worse [than my twenties] – grappling with how to fit in, and what that even meant. My high school had cliques: the black girls and white girls, the Filipino and the Latina girls. Being biracial, I fell somewhere in between. So everyday during lunch, I busied myself with meetings – French club, student body, whatever one could possibly do between noon and 1pm- I was there. Not so that I was more involved, but so that I wouldn’t have to eat alone.
This is so heat breaking! Meghan goes on to share that after working through the insecurities of her twenties, she realized that being herself was good enough and that she didn't have to worry about fitting in.
Obviously, Meghan is thriving now, but it's cool to see how she approached her own personal struggles to become the literal (don't @ me) queen that she is now.
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