Michelle Obama hosts rally to get out the vote: 'You spend 11 minutes choosing Instagram filters to text your boo'

Former first lady Michelle Obama speaks at the “When We All Vote” event in Las Vegas Sunday night. (Photo: Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
Former first lady Michelle Obama speaks at the “When We All Vote” event in Las Vegas Sunday night. (Photo: Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

With the midterm elections just six weeks away, Michelle Obama wants voters to understand how important — and easy — it is to perform their civic duty. The former first lady spoke at a rally in Las Vegas on Sunday night as part of her “When We All Vote” campaign, telling Nevadans that they can vote in the time it takes to pick an Instagram filter.

“In 2016, the average length of time voters waited in line at a polling place was about 11 minutes,” she said. “Just 11 minutes, and that’s an average. Some places it was even shorter than that. You spend 11 minutes on your phone watching videos on a given day. You spend 11 minutes choosing the Instagram filters to text your boo.”

Obama hasn’t joined her husband in campaigning for Democratic candidates this year, but instead has focused on encouraging people from both parties to make it to the polls.

Sticking to the ethos of her nonpartisan voter participation campaign, her speech on Sunday didn’t reference President Trump or Republicans. However, she did comment on “the chaos and the nastiness of our politics.”

“It’s exhausting, and frankly it’s depressing, so I understand wanting to shut it all out,” she told the Las Vegas crowd. “But here’s the problem: While some folks are frustrated and tuned out and staying home on Election Day, trust me, other folks are showing up. Democracy continues with or without you.”

Her main message was that the government can’t reflect the average American if average Americans don’t vote. If you want to see change, you need to head to the polls on Nov. 6, she told Nevadans.

“We get the leaders we vote for,” she said. “We get the policies we vote for. And when we don’t vote, that’s when we wind up with government of, by, and for other people. And that’s not what we want.”

A fan of Obama’s in the crowd shouted out at one point that the former first lady should run for president herself, a notion she’s previously extinguished. This time she simply laughed and quipped, “Stop this.”

Obama’s Las Vegas rally came two days before National Voter Registration Day, which takes place on Sept. 25. The “When We All Vote” campaign is traveling the country this week to register people to vote and motivate people to make their voices heard at the ballot box.

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