Michelle Obama Shared a Wedding Day Photo

Michelle Obama has been sharing old photos of herself over the last couple days-from childhood, from college-that are to appear in her upcoming memoir Becoming. Today, she shared one of her and Barack Obama on their wedding day, just because why not make everyone's Wednesday nicer?
She also recalled what happened that morning: "You can’t tell it from this photo, but Barack woke up on our wedding day in October, 1992 with a nasty head cold," she wrote. "Somehow, by the time I met him at the altar, it had miraculously disappeared and we ended up dancing almost all night. Twenty five years later, we’re still having fun, while also doing the hard work to build our partnership and support each other as individuals. I can’t imagine going on this wild ride with anybody else."
Below, the rest of the photos the former First Lady has shared this week:
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