Millennials Are Being Honest About The Things They Are Starting To Like Less And Less The Older They Get
One thing about getting older — especially once you're in your 30s — is that you slowly start disliking some things you used to love doing just a few years earlier. For example, going out to very loud and crowded clubs really loses its appeal.
Well recently, Reddit user Sweetlo123 brought up that very topic when they asked in the r/Millennials subreddit: "What are you starting to like less and less the older you get?" They even started the thread with their own answer, "Other people. ??"
The thread got thousands of responses from millennials who commiserated over the things they are now starting to dislike or downright hate. Below are the top, best, and most repeated comments:
1."Staying out late. I’m good with the occasional night out, but more often than not, these days I’m happy to be in my pajamas and on the couch by 7:30 p.m."
"I'm gobsmacked when I hear people planning for dinner or outings for 9 p.m. or later. Absolute not. If it's 7 p.m., the day is entirely over, and it's far too late to be going out for me. ??????"
2."Work. I’m getting older and more crotchety, and it’s getting harder and harder to put on my work face and pretend to get excited about quarterly earnings and whatnot."
"This is me. I don’t know what to do. I can’t do the corporate bullshit anymore."
3."Social media sites like Instagram and Facebook. I used to check them and post often, now I rarely get on my profiles."
"Facebook has become unusable. It's all ads and videos. I just want to see pictures of my friends and their pets/kids, but I have to scroll through 15 videos of random nonsense first. I deleted it off my phone. It makes me sad because I now don't have a way of keeping up with people from the past, but the app is just not enjoyable anymore."
4."Sleeping in late. If I’m still in bed past 8 a.m., I feel like I’m wasting the morning. Once in awhile, I’ll make an exception. We all need a lazy day on occasion, but, for the most part, I wake up between 6 and 7 a.m. without an alarm."
5."Live music. I used to love metal and punk shows. I don’t drink anymore, and it’s not the same experience. Also, the last show I went to, I got a horrible case of COVID. I still love metal...but through my headphones."
"Back in the day, going to shows was an experience. It was easy to find cheap tickets even at the last minute. Between the expensive or impossible-to-find parking, horrendous traffic, $16 beers, and insane price gouging on tickets, it is now more of a hassle and a huge expense than anything. The last concert I attended was in 2017, and I haven’t felt compelled to see live music since."
6."Getting drunk. Having my Saturday or Sunday gone because of a hangover is a miserable existence."
"Yeah, drinking really takes it out of me. Like, it takes days, sometimes a week, to feel myself again. I’m slowly but surely heading toward teetotal, I think."
7."Glorifying 'the grind.'"
"This for me, too. I used to pride myself on working until I was run ragged. I won’t do that anymore. My life outside of work is important, my sleep is important, my mental health, and having boundaries that separate my work from the rest of my life is important."
8."Participating in online discourse. Especially political debate. Completely useless and maddening. Was good for honing my ideals and testing my convictions for a while, but I think I'm good now."
"Word. Many times I've found myself typing out a reply only to delete it, thinking...actually I don't care about this at all. Channeling Dennis."
9."Soda. I always think I want one, and after one or two drinks, it's wasted."
"Definitely relatable. I gravitate toward orange soda because I drank a ton of it as a kid. I can’t even finish one! So sweet!!!"
10."Amusement parks. Loved them as a kid, but now all I see is sweaty adults and screaming kids. I can’t stand waiting in line for an hour to ride on a minute ride, the food is gross and overpriced, and just generally not a good time."
12."Teenagers. There’s nothing I loathe more than being around a group of teenagers. They terrify and irritate me at the same time. I’m officially old now."
13."Doing stuff just to feel included. Used to go to events and stuff just because I didn’t want to be left out and be on my own. Now I’m totally OK with saying no. I don’t want to go because that doesn’t sound fun."
"Dude, same with the going out stuff. I’m 35 now and have slowed up the last few years. A mate was like, 'Well, I’ll stop inviting you because you're not gonna come!' I was like, 'OK.' That kind of mindset is dumb to me. I am allowed to attend and not attend what I like. Hitting your 30s is great because you just don’t give a f*** anymore."
14."Driving for sure. Like, when I first started driving, it was freedom and going anywhere I wanted, now it’s just blah. And with all the other bad drivers out on the road, it is just stress-inducing."
"Underrated reply. I used to get excited to drive anywhere, now I just feel like it's another chore."
15."Waiting in long lines. I used to be one of those foodies who would wait in line for hours to try pop-ups and try stuff like ice cream with gold foil, lmao. Now I’m over trying new wacky food trends unless it actually sounds good. But still not willing to wait in a long line for it."
"I can barely stand to wait in a long line even for basic sustenance when I’m hungry. I attended our local renaissance festival this summer and was fiending for a smoked turkey leg and a glass of mead. The lines for almost every concession stand were about 60 people deep. It’s part of the experience to enjoy those foods, but I wasn’t about to wait an hour. I left the festival hungry and deflated and stopped at Burger King on the way home."
16."Bad service. When I was younger and got bad service, I took it as a contest to see who could out surly each other. Now I just don't have the time or patience for attitude or incompetence."
17."Just got a new phone, and I really didn't like the change. It's weird, but I guess I'm old and get annoyed with some things changing needlessly (in my opinion). A couple years back, Google changed all their app icons significantly, and I was crabby about that for a while, too."
"There were recently some updates to Microsoft Office, and in Word particularly, I HATE the changes; like, why did they change it? It worked just fine. ??"
18."Socializing in general. God I love isolation."
19."Clothes that look good but are kinda uncomfortable."
"Anything that is mildly uncomfortable on my body. I just want to be comfy all the time. Clothes, blankets, socks, shoes. I still like stuff to look nice, but I’ll be damned if it’s the tiniest bit uncomfortable."
20.And lastly, "Drinking and eating fast food."
"It still tastes good, but it doesn't feel good."
"Had some today. Can confirm. ??"
You can read the full thread of responses on Reddit.
Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.