Mom Shares Hot Take on Kids' Birthday Parties, Sparking Intense Online Debate

Balloons at a birthday party

When it comes to throwing kids' birthday parties, people have strong opinions about everything from present etiquette, goodies bags and whether or not siblings are automatically invited. However, one mom sparked online debate with her "hot take" on the topic—because she's opting out of it all.

"I am NOT throwing my children yearly birthday parties," stay-at-home mom Marissa Light declared in overlain text on a TikTok video published earlier this month.

The Pennsylvania mother proceeded to explain her controversial stance in a three-and-a-half -minute video.

"Under no circumstances will I be throwing my daughter a birthday party every single year," Light said. "Here's the deal: She's getting a first birthday party, she is getting a sweet 16, and she is getting a graduation party. Other than that, she is not getting any more birthday parties."

She went on to share that she's attended many children's birthday parties through the years and didn't see the point.

"As someone who did not have a kid at the time, they were not enjoyable, and I don't even think the kid noticed that I was there," Light said. "I am not going to force that on my friends and family."

She added: "My daughter will be loved and celebrated on her birthday every single year. It just won't be in that way."

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Light went on to detail how her daughter will have a "Daisy Day" consisting of cake with family and a day dedicated to doing fun activities together of her choosing. And if she eventually chose for herself to have a birthday party that's what they would do.

"If you are someone who genuinely enjoys throwing your child a birthday party, pop off, queen. Do what you want to do. I'm not telling anyone else how to live their lives," she noted. "I just personally don't find it necessary and I'm not going to be doing it."

In the comments, folks chimed in with their thoughts on the topic. One TikTok user wrote, "Poor baby she deserves a birthday party just like everyone else," while another commented, "It's one day a year."

Someone else declared, "Everyone deserves a bday party every year. Even a small one with a few of their besties."

"You sound like a bundle of sunshine!" another person snarked.

Still, others defended Light's stance—mostly because they listened to the whole video. One TikTok user wrote, "That is the perfect setup. When she's too little to care about a party, she gets a day. When she wants one, you're on board. Perfection."

Another pointed out, "I take it some people didn't watch the full video.??????."

Someone else shared, "This is not new to me. I love that this is so controversial. You don't need a huge expensive party to celebrate. That's money that could be spent on gifts and fun with the kids and parents@ I'm loving this is a thing with outers too!"

What do you think?

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