Your Monthly Horoscope for December 2023 is Here

December 2023 Horoscopes Astro

We're in the final few weeks of the year, and the astrology of December 2023 will be full of non-stop action and adventure! This month starts slow but will quickly pick up speed as we approach the holidays. Over the next few weeks, the stars are cooking up a few surprises, like the final Mercury retrograde of the year and three other planetary retrogrades coming to an end. The anticipation for the new year is at an all-time high, and the stars are putting some momentum behind your dreams. The planets will be influenced by the optimistic energy of Sagittarius season for most of December, encouraging you to set grand goals for yourself. As we enter Capricorn season at the end of the month, you'll have an opportunity to turn those lofty ambitions into reality, paving the way for a thriving 2024.

Here's a look at all the astrological events happening in December 2023, plus your personalized monthly horoscope.

Important Astrological Dates in December 2023

For those of you who like to write everything in your calendar ahead of time – these are the dates you'll want to keep an eye on this month.

December 2023 Major Astrological Events:

  • December 4, 2023: Venus enters Scorpio

  • December 6, 2023: Neptune direct in Pisces

  • December 12, 2023: New moon in Sagittarius

  • December 13, 2023: Mercury retrograde in Capricorn

  • December 21, 2023: Capricorn season begins

  • December 26, 2023: Full moon in Cancer

  • December 26, 2023: Chiron direct in Aries

  • December 29, 2023: Venus enters Sagittarius

  • December 30, 2023: Jupiter direct in Taurus

Astrological Events Happening in December 2023

We start the month with the fresh and light-hearted spirit of Sagittarius season, which will strengthen your sense of independence. Venus enters the moody waters of Scorpio on December 4, 2023, supercharging your romantic and sexual life. Venus is the planet of love, romance, money, and attraction, and during its stay in Scorpio, people are getting serious about what they desire in life. Now's the time to revisit your non-negotiables in love. If you're looking to settle down ahead of the new year, this transit could help deepen your bond. But be careful–jealousy can also spiral out of control during this time. You can make the most of this transit by living in your truth and allowing others to do the same.

December 6, 2023, marks Neptune's direct station in Pisces, and it can make you question your reality. This planet has been casting a spell on you for the past five months, and its influence has slowly deteriorated the life you once knew. Neptune's mutable energy creates a gradual shift, making it hard to notice the transformations until it comes to a direct halt. With Neptune resuming its regular journey, you can begin to appreciate the remarkable changes that have taken place. You may have gone through a tough period that left you feeling confused, disheartened, and directionless. However, with this planetary alignment, you can gain the clarity and insight you need to begin anew.

On December 12, 2023, the final new moon of the year takes place in Sagittarius. Last month's new moon in Scorpio was a spiritual release, freeing you from the weight of the past. New moon cycles are powerful moments of change, and the upcoming Sagittarius new moon offers the perfect opportunity to manifest your dream life in the year ahead. Before the new moon arrives, start writing your New Year's resolutions and challenge yourself to break free from any limiting thoughts that hold you back. Since Mercury will station retrograde for the last time this year on December 13, 2023, this new moon is an excellent chance to reshape your future before Mercury turns direct on January 1, 2024.

Things will be quiet for the week leading up to the start of Capricorn season, aka the Winter Solstice, which kicks off on December 21, 2023. You can expect a shift from carefree to practical and purposeful energy over the next few weeks, which will restore order and slow things down. Take advantage of this moment to reflect on your journey so far. There's something poetic about the year beginning and ending with a Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, and this period will push you to embrace your natural strengths. On December 22, 2023, Mercury retrograde will slide back into Sagittarius, bringing you a blessed new perspective. You'll feel invigorated and inspired to strike out on your own.

We'll end the year with a radiant full moon in Cancer on December 26, 2023. This abundant lunation is supported by Jupiter (prosperity) and Saturn (productivity), creating an inspired moment to transition into 2024. From now until the end of the year, you'll feel things softening up as you return to your emotional power. And with Chiron stationing direct on that same day, you might discover the inner strength to forgive yourself for all your past mistakes. Expect sweet and mellow vibes when Jupiter retrograde ends its four-month backspin in Taurus. When Jupiter in Taurus retraces its steps in the sky, it's a chance to discover value in unexpected places. Now that the planet of miracles and luck is on our side again, it's a chance to revolutionize your reality and embrace positive change.

December 2023 Horoscopes for Each Zodiac Sign

Curious to learn what the stars have in store for you this month? We recommend reading the horoscopes for your sun and rising signs for the most accurate message.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

December will be an active month for you, Aries, thanks to your planetary ruler, Mars, staying in fiery Sagittarius all month. Mars's free-thinking and flexible vibe in Sagittarius will help you when the cosmos decide to throw unexpected challenges your way during the new moon in Sagittarius on December 12, 2023. You might be second-guessing yourself thanks for an unforeseen moment of crisis. Luckily, Mercury stationing retrograde on December 13, 2023, will flip things upside down and allow you to see the problem from a new perspective. With this newfound information, you can make wiser choices that will set you up for success in the coming year. This month is about learning to trust your instincts and, more importantly, trusting that you can pivot when things don't go according to plan.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This month will mark a significant shift in your self-perception, Taurus. Jupiter has been retrograde in your sign for the last four and a half months, giving you a chance to turn your luck around. Of course, it came with a lot of hard work and sacrifice. As Jupiter turns direct in alignment with the start of the new year, you're looking beyond external wealth and success in setting your future goals. You've been taught to measure your value and worth based on what you can provide for others, and this month's full moon in Cancer on December 26, 2023, is a chance to rethink your goals and ambitions. The great news is that Jupiter will stay in your sign through May 2024, a clear manifestation that the universe is cheering you on. Don't be afraid to take the scenic out on your road to success!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Something's getting lost in translation, Gemini, and you can blame your planetary ruler, Mercury, for going retrograde one last time before the year ends. There's a chance some lingering conflict from the full moon in Gemini on November 27, 2023, still needs to be resolved, and you can find yourself kicking up old drama if you're not careful. Sometimes, it's better to bite your tongue. As if that weren't enough to deal with, the full moon in Cancer at the end of the month could bring back an old flame trying to spin the block one last time. It's okay to grab drinks for old times' sake, but remind yourself why your exes to begin with! This month's astrology wants you to leave all of this nonsense behind you. So, as tempting as it might be to act up, make a point not to slip back into your old ways.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This month could be a make-or-break moment for your relationship, Cancer. Mercury retrograding Capricorn will bring petty disagreements to your personal life. Sometimes, we can become so familiar with someone that we assume they have no more surprises left for us. Embrace curiosity, and try listening to understand rather than simply win an argument. The full moon and Cancer on December 26, 2023, will anchor your soul in the present moment and help you divine your true calling. The alignment of this full moon with the end of the year and Mercury stationing direct on New Year's Day, is your chance to be reborn again in 2024. You might feel the internal urge to shut yourself away, but there's an opportunity to find clarity by making peace with the things that scare you most.

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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're someone who likes to end the year with a bang, Leo, and the hectic astrology of December is giving you a chance to do just that. Prepare yourself for weeks of highs and lows, memories and mishaps, and secrets yet to be discovered. The new moon in Sagittarius on December 12, 2023, is a reminder that some of life's most beautiful and precious treasures can be found where you least expect them. This transit will kick off a months-long journey of returning to old interests and hobbies that will spark a new fire within you. However, Mercury stationing retrograde on December 13, 2023, could pause all your exciting, unexplored adventures until the new year begins. Keep a low profile and wait until Venus takes her place in glorious Sagittarius on December 29, 2023, to take action. Remember, rest is just as important to the creative process as creation.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You're not one to slack, Virgo, but success has been hard to come by, even for you, for the last few months. Luckily, Neptune in Pisces stationing direct will kickstart your energy reserves. Neptune's retrograde opposition made every little task feel like an uphill battle, but it also proved you have the tenacity and grit needed to rise to the occasion. When your planetary ruler, Mercury, stations retrograde on December 13, 2023, it's a chance for you to purge the things restricting you. Clean out your physical and digital spaces of all the clutter keeping you stuck; you won't need it where you're going next year! As the month closes on the final full moon of the year, the energy of Cancer sets the stage for a wistful retrospective. You've been through a lot, but you made it. Thank yourself for getting here!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

December is full of fortune and optimism for you, Libra, and you deserve it! The end of last month saw the South Node of Destiny (karmic bonds) link up with Venus (partnerships), bringing a subconscious awareness around your bad relationship habits. You've been riding the highs and lows for so long that you've forgotten the peace of proper balance. Luckily, this volatile energy will fade away when Venus enters Scorpio on December 4, 2023. Take the next few weeks to date yourself! The upcoming Mercury retrograde on December 13, 2023, wants you to raise the standards for what you'll accept in your relationships; and not just the romantic ones. As the month closes out the full moon in Cancer, you're reminded that you're the only person controlling your emotional satisfaction. If you've been looking for your other half or seeking completeness in relationships this year, take this as a sign that 2024 is your year of independence.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

As the year winds down, December starts on a good note for you, Scorpio. Venus moves into your sign on December 4, 2023, signaling a period of fun and flirtation. Not only will you have a chance to deepen your relationships with other people, but you have the opportunity to strengthen your relationship with your spirit guides. Focus on where you invest your resources and the fruit they bear in your life. Where can you use your energy more effectively? The full moon in Cancer is your reminder that the only thing limiting your dreams is the scope of your own imagination. Use this month's Mercury retrograde to consider all the variables presented to you. If you've felt like you've been living multiple lives at once, the astrology of December is your chance to embrace the true you. You've already done the work to get to this point; all that's left to do is take the leap.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This month gets off to an exciting start for you, Sagittarius, but you’ll be happy to have your alone time by the end of the year. The first three weeks of December will see the Sun and Mars in your sign, giving you a burst of vitality and vigor. You’re finding it easier to put action behind the ideas that fuel your passions this month, so make the most of it before Mercury stations retrograde and spins your focus out of control. You may find it helpful to refine your thoughts before sharing your perspective with others. The full moon in Cancer on December 26, 2023, will allow you to let go of old grudges. Some people can’t see your plan in its completeness because they can’t look past their version of reality. As you set your sites in 2024, trust that your vision is clear and confidently take the first step.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

December is a month of reflection and celebration for you, Capricorn. The month starts with Venus entering Scorpio and Jupiter stationing direct near the end. This blend of energies will put you in the power position for the next few weeks, giving you the keys to the kingdom you worked so hard for. The question is, do you still want it? As Mercury retrogrades through your sign over the next few weeks, you might have yourself rethinking where your current path is taking you. Don't be alarmed if you start to second-guess things; instead, use these doubts to fuel your curiosity. You might find a solution for the problem and create a better circumstance for yourself than you could've imagined. The full moon and Cancer will be emotional for you, but these tears of happiness are a long time coming. This year was a harsh reminder that you can't control everything, but the coming weeks will show you that life can still surprise you when you least expect it.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You're about to have a considerable change of heart, Aquarius. As Sagittarius season shifts into Capricorn season, you may become more serious about a professional ambition or personal project that has potential. Maybe it's that upcoming Mercury retrograde that lasts until New Year's Day – or maybe it's Pluto preparing to re-enter your sign on January 20, 2024. This impending dread might kick your fight or flight response into gear, and you could feel like you're wasting time just sitting around. But the truth is, nothing can prepare you for what Pluto's journey through your sign will bring. So, instead, use key transit this month, like the new moon in Sagittarius, to embrace a more carefree and calm attitude. This month is a good time to absorb new energies and information without feeling pressured to know it all. Take this chance to manifest your vision of actuality.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Sorry to burst your bubble, Pisces, but the joyride ends this month. Neptune's deceptive retrograde through your sign ends on December 6, 2023, after four months, and reality will start to set in. You needed that mental vacation after the pressure Saturn put on you this year, but now it's time to step back into the light and share your gifts with the world. Spend the first half of the month getting your affairs in order and taking care of things you might've let slip through your fingers before Mercury retrograde begins on December 13, 2023. Embrace the changes and opportunities that come with the final weeks of the year—as they'll spark some magical manifestations that take you into the new year. The cycle starts on January 1, 2024, and the intentions you said now will shape the year to come.

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