New Moon in Aquarius 2024 Horoscopes & Predictions for Your Sign
New Moon Aquarius 2024
On Friday, February 9, 2024, at 5:59 p.m. EST, the new moon in Aquarius will cut to the heart of the matter, causing plenty of big emotions.
Each month, the sun and moon align with one another in the same zodiac sign, restarting the lunar cycle under the new moon. This monthly lunation is a chance to start fresh and embrace change. During this period, the moon is invisible to the naked eye from Earth, symbolizing the opportunity to step into the unknown and embrace change. This month, the new moon in Aquarius will align with the start of the Lunar New Year, the beginning of the Year of the Dragon. Things are shifting rapidly, and as your destiny unfolds, there's no going back! Last month's full moon in Leo was an emotional reckoning. With the new moon in Aquarius, decisions must be made. Stick with the status quo or start over.
When Is the February New Moon in Aquarius?
The new moon in Aquarius arrives on February 9, 2024, at 5:59 p.m. EST, bringing an energy shift that can be felt in the days leading up to and following peak illumination.
The Spiritual Meaning of the New Moon in Astrology
A new moon occurs when the sun, which governs your ego and heart, and the moon, which influences your emotions and intuition, align in the sky. This cosmic event allows you to reconnect with yourself and make changes that better suit your needs, aligning your human and spiritual sides. Not every new moon is a good time to start new projects or manifest; some are designed to release things that are holding us back. The cycles of the moon are often linked to one another, and the energy of a lunar event affects the decisions we make during the next one. If you've been considering making a change that would set you free, the new moon could be the perfect opportunity.
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What to Expect From February's New Moon in Aquarius
This month's new moon takes place in the rebellious fixed sign of Aquarius, asking us to break free of limiting patterns in favor of a more aligned perspective. This month's new moon is in a challenging square with Uranus, the planet of confusion and disruption. Outside forces at play will reveal the hidden truth behind the issues you've been ignoring. When old feelings resurface, and past situations reappear, see it as a sign that there are still unresolved emotions to confront. Be mindful not to jump to conclusions before you have all the information–as things might not always be what they seem. Embrace the opportunity to face these feelings head-on and find peace within yourself.
Mars forms an alliance with Pluto, the planet of destruction and power, on the day of the new moon. There's a desire to assert your authority over others or even push back against the powers that be, but danger lurks in the air if you're not careful. Mind games may run rampant during this new moon but be warned that these efforts will be short-sighted and short-lived. Anything gained through dishonest means during this transit will be destroyed as quickly as it was created. Use the energy of Mars and Pluto to instead dig into the heavy work and make some personal gains behind the scenes. Whatever project you focus on during the month following this new moon will see significant progress.
Mercury squares Jupiter as the new moon approaches, urging you to pull yourself out of your head and take action to change your life. This isn't a time to wait for things to come to you, as you'll have much better luck creating momentum for yourself. You can see things more clearly now that you've removed the rose-colored glasses; now it's time to make a plan! Jupiter is eager to offer us new possibilities and positive experiences. Still, before receiving what we deserve, we must let go of anything holding us back from realizing our full potential. It's time to release anything that no longer aligns with your true purpose.
What Does the Aquarius New Moon Mean for Each Zodiac Sign?
Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), you're fighting your destiny because you think you've changed too much for your dreams, but what if change was the point of the journey? With the sun, moon, Mercury, and Pluto settled in fixed energy during this lunation, you're getting to rediscover yourself for the first time in a long time. Try not to disturb your peace by getting stuck in your head. Your desire for new experiences extends to unlocking new versions of yourself. Embrace the future by shedding the past.
Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), there's a great desire to be free and do something reckless during the new moon. But under all that thrill-seeking, you're looking to resolve an unsettled emotional issue. Venus in Capricorn will form a trine with unpredictable Uranus while sitting alongside Mars. This transit could lead to heightened emotions and hot tempers when things don't go your way. It's best to avoid being quick-tempered, sensitive, or selfish during any conflict that may arise during this time. Remember that it may be challenging to make amends if you say something hurtful.
Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) will want to go with the flow of this new moon's energy and not let the chaos around them pull them off course. Saturn in Pisces will form a strong trine to Jupiter, encouraging you to focus on the here and now. During this transit, you can progress on a dream or goal, so long as you act decisively and don't hesitate. You may also find a practical solution to a roadblock that has prevented you from advancing your ideas. Use this time to embrace solitude and focus on generating success
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