The most misunderstood Roman Emperor – and the places he'll inspire you to visit
Did Nero fiddle while the Great Fire of Rome burned? Did he kill his wife, Poppea Sabina, by kicking her in the stomach during her second pregnancy? Was he really one of the most cruel, vain and tyrannical of all the Roman emperors?
Maybe not. According to a new exhibition at the British Museum, Nero has been thoroughly misunderstood for the past 2,000 years. In fact, suggest the curators, he was a far-sighted and popular ruler whose biggest mistake was to alienate the Roman political establishment. It was they who deposed him and made sure that his reputation was trashed after his death – a legacy which has endured until only recently.
Mind you, he was not exactly a model of virtue. He did, after all, murder his own mother. And most historians agree that he was responsible for the death under torture of hundreds – perhaps thousands – of innocent Christians, whom he blamed for the Great Fire. Using them as human torches was a favourite method of execution.
There is also little doubt that Nero also suffered delusions of grandeur, and was a rank populist who craved the adoration of the people – he enjoyed nothing better than performing on stage. And his vanity was compounded by his ostentation: he and the highly ambitious Poppea, had extraordinarily lavish taste in interior decor. This is particularly apparent in their sumptuous seaside villa at Oplontis near Pompeii and the famous Golden House, which Nero constructed in Rome after his main residence was destroyed by the fire.
The records for how these palatial buildings were actually paid for have never come to light, but the costs must have been stratospheric. And the extraordinarily good news for posterity is that key rooms and interiors of both properties have survived relatively intact. The villa has been excavated from the same tide of lava and ash which engulfed Pompeii in 79AD and the Golden House was preserved under layers of soil and rubble.
The result is that – 2,000 years later – they represent the best preserved, most beautiful and most evocative interiors to have survived from the ancient world. Though few visitors to Pompeii and the Colosseum even know they are there.
The Oplontis villa – nearly always known as Poppea’s villa – is just one stop down the railway line from Pompeii itself. It is a strange oasis in the Neapolitan urban sprawl which was only rediscovered during the 1970s.
The excavations have uncovered all the key reception rooms and bed chambers – more than two dozen in total – and much of the Imperial gardens. The precinct stops abruptly in vertical faces of ash and lava which surround it on all sides: there is more to be uncovered, but dig any further and you would undermine the adjacent roads and houses.
It was a building of the highest status and some argue that it was built for Nero himself. The connection with Poppea is based on the discovery of a shard of pottery with the name of one of her servants which was found in the ruins, and the fact that she came from a wealthy Pompeii family. Either way, no expense was spared: the villa is embellished with wonderful frescoes. Incredibly well-preserved, the colours still rich and the details clear, some have emerged intact almost to ceiling height.
One of my favourites is the dining room, where trompe l’oeil arches and columns frame a peacock whose head is cocked knowingly towards the viewer. Other highlights include the kitchens, baths and the impressively well-engineered communal latrine.
But most impressive of all is the long suite of guest bedrooms which line the gardens to one side of the building. These are decorated with an especially vibrant wall paintings, framed in gold and Pompeiian red. They depict idyllic scenes of colourful song birds, perched and preening, or flitting among dark green foliage and drinking from fountains. And just outside is the most impressive feature of all – an Olympic-size swimming pool.
Surely Nero stayed in the villa when he came to Naples in AD64, and surely he was inspired by what he saw, when he returned to Rome later that year. That was when he commissioned the Golden House (Domus Aurea) to replace the palace that was destroyed by the great fire. After all, the Domus was a new concept in city-centre luxury which imports the concept of a seaside pleasure palace, like that at Oplontis, into the heart of Rome.
His predecessors – most notably Tiberius on the island of Capri – had built theirs well away from the crowds of the capital. But discretion didn’t come naturally to Nero. In fact, he was so proud of his new palace that he erected an enormous 120ft-high golden statue of himself – the Colossus of Nero – in the entrance courtyard. After his death (by enforced suicide) in 68AD, his successors smashed all the other statues depicting the deposed emperor but, couldn’t quite bring themselves to destroy this. It was repurposed instead as a statue of the sun god, Sol, and moved across the road to embellish a new amphitheatre, the Colosseum.
Ironically, attempts to raze the Domus Aurea after Nero’s death only succeed in helping to preserve it. The two story building was levelled by demolishing the upper rooms, filling the lower storey with rubble and building a new bath complex on top of it all. The rubble filled rooms lay undisturbed until 1495, when an unsuspecting peasant fell down a shaft in a field, landed on a pile of rubble and found himself in a room full of fabulous frescoes. Such was the excitement that a succession of artists were lowered down on ropes to visit for themselves – including Raphael and probably Michelangelo.
That lower storey has been steadily excavated over the last five centuries so that you can now walk deep into the complex through dozens of frescoed rooms, terraces and courtyards. True, the colours which decorate most of the walls have lost some of their lustre, but no other site I know of – apart from the Villa Poppea – gives you quite such an impressive sense of actually being inside a Roman building.
The details
Nero: the man behind the myth is at the British Museum ( until October 24.
How to visit Nero’s Palaces:
Nero’s Palaces Poppea’s Villa, Oplontis ( open 9am-7pm, Weds-Monday, €5 (£4).
Domus Aurea, Rome ( usual opening hours, weekends 9am-4.15pm, admission €14 (£12) with guide. Advance booking essential. Has not yet re-opened after Covid-19 restrictions – see website for latest information and to book .
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