Nightfire: how a forgotten video game could save the James Bond films from terminal mediocrity
The year 2002 was significant for James Bond. It was the franchise's 40th year as a box office attraction - particularly impressive when you remember that Ian Fleming's creation had faced down the threat of redundancy after the USSR’s demise.
But Bond was always his worst enemy. Fans of the series could always expect some degree of self-parody and hit-and-miss ideas. As long as Bond ordered Martinis right and introduced himself surname-first, where was the problem? But that year’s adventure, Die Another Day, ended that. Though an undeniable financial success, it was never forgiven for its Austin Powers-style excesses: space death ray chases, tsunami-surfing, a North Korean-turned-Caucasian villain and a Madonna cameo.
Daniel Craig’s incarnation worked as a four (soon five)-film qualification of its escapism. Pun, wacky gadgets and eccentric megalomaniacs are gone. Bond now has an emotional side, which is developed by a greater emphasis on continuity. Based on reviews and box office receipts, it has worked.
Will the formula change again? The series is more popular and respected than ever, but is this contingent on Bond remaining “gritty” and Jason Bourne-influenced? That other espionage-based series may have been influential in the 2000s with its moral ambiguity and shaky-cam fights, but larger-than-life action and overt humour is also popular again. The Bond movies are always welcome to return to their original cinematic home.
2002, however, was not the nadir of the franchise. And that's because Electronic Arts, who held video game rights to 007, released James Bond 007: Nightfire. Like the more famous GoldenEye, the game was a first-person shooter, only with its own original story. With the right degree of adaptation, the game has enough ideas to make a worthy 007 film, one that would restart the franchise in a confident direction when Daniel Craig retires from the role. Here's why:
It lets Bond be Bond
The 007 films have an advantage over other intellectual properties. They’re immune to the “endless sequels” complaint. Before the term “soft reboot” even existed, Eon had made it their speciality. People can argue over which Bond (and Bondside manner) is the best, but ultimately it’s still James Bond. It’s the one franchise where people expect callbacks to earlier films.
The plot of Nightfire is Bond at its Bondest: there’s a businessman named Raphael Drake, who likes cleaning up decommissioned nuclear reactors. He also has a private castle, island, space program and yakuza ties. Bond is sent around the world (and above it) to learn the truth because MI6 suspects that the environmentalist billionaire is less benign than he lets on.
So much of the appeal of video games is that they get players closer to “being” the on-screen characters than in any other medium, and Bond is routinely invoked as the ultimate male fantasy.
The levels have shooting, stealth, driving, actual espionage, gadgets and memorable villains and Bond Girls. How would this not translate to a bigger screen and become any less great to witness?
A Nightfire film wouldn’t have to be a level-for-level recreation of the game, but it could do well to take on its approach to Bond. In games it's exhilarating to go up against insurmountable odds and still triumph, and that exists in film too: Kingsman’s “church scene” and the entirety of the John Wick movies are "video-game like” in their action, but in a positive and breathtaking way.
If you have a character as great as Bond, why waste him on emotional deconstruction and not vicarious wish-fulfilment? Nightfire embraces a Bond at the top of his saving-the-world game, for whom “nobody does it better” means something.
It’s a Bond for the Weinstein era
Skyfall (2012) and Spectre (2015) had Bond confronting the idea that a spy of his type was outmoded in the modern world, but he was trying to change. He hadn’t smoked on-screen since Die Another Day for starts.
But there is another thing for the easily discomfited to deal with: Bond’s attitude to women. The regular approach has been in a numbered days situation before; faced with 1980s Aids paranoia, the 007 of Timothy Dalton was relatively abstemious. Now, as each day reveals new abuse accusations against celebrities, many filmgoers can’t help but re-evaluate James Bond's own sexual morals in the current year.
What is the remedy? Will Bond’s relationships with women have to be altered, and will that risk metaphorically neutering the character? Interviews with actresses who consider their characters “Bond women, not Bond girls” may not be enough to protect the franchise from internet outrage.
Whether intentional or not, Nightfire offers a way out of this. For much of the game, 007 is assisted by female allies. The most memorable is Zoe Nightshade, an American agent who joins Bond in infiltrating Drake’s castle in Austria, then escaping it when their cover is blown. Nightshade fits in the same transatlantic ally niche as the Bond regular Felix Leiter, but is her own character, and less some kind of pandering gender-swap.
Bond and Zoe are prior (and resumptive) romantic partners. While happy in each other’s company, they are aware of each other’s true nature. For example, there’s a scene in the castle level immediately after Bond’s rendezvous with Nightshade. They are joined by Dominique Paradis, a French spy posing as Drake’s mistress; she also happens to be one of Bond’s conquests. This prompts a lot of jealousy and competitiveness from Nightshade. It’s similar to the recurring joke in Christopher Guest’s Best in Show (2000), where the dog owners played by Eugene Levy and Catherine O’ Hara regularly cross paths with her exes.
If extrapolated to cinema, The Bond-Nightshade dynamic could return the 007 to its humorous past through a kind of screwball, Howard Hawks-influenced relationship. It would appear more natural than Marvel quips and wackiness. And romantically, Bond shouldn’t be doomed to cheap affairs or Vesper Lynd-mourning. His rapport with Zoe Nightshade gives Bond an on-off foil, not a one-off fling.
It has the greatest henchman in decades
No Bond film is complete without him confronting a distinctive supporting villain. Some of these ultimately become more infamous than the main villains. Oddjob and his hat are more memorable than Auric Goldfinger. One of the most menacing supporting villains ever was Goldeneye’s Xenia Onatopp, whose ability to suffocate men in coitus made her seem uniquely qualified as a Bond-killer.
Has anyone threatened 007 as much since? After the Brosnan era, James Bond has been reduced mainly to fighting generic thugs, who look like they were left over from a Taken movie. For all its faults, Spectre did try to resurrect the tradition, but Dave Bautista’s Mr Hinx deserved a less self-serious film to be in.
Nightfire would give us the henchman we deserve: Armitage Rook is the head of security employed by Drake. His antagonism towards Bond starts at Drake’s Austrian castle, where the spy is a nuisance trying to access restricted areas. Before he knows it, he’s in a helicopter gunship trying to destroy Bond’s cable car escape route, only to get shot down and disfigured in the crash.
From then on, wherever 007 is, Rook isn’t far behind. He’s taller, stronger and better armed, and keeps vowing to thank Bond for his “makeover” in person. Unfortunately for him, the plot is not on his side and after a respectable amount of Bond-tormenting, he is (depending on the version of the game) sucked into a fan or shot to pieces by his nemesis.
Unlike most of the series’s henchmen, Rook doesn’t leave the monologuing to his boss. He’s a vocal and charismatic adversary. You get the impression he’s personally offended by 007’s hubris and the immunity that working for MI6 affords him. Whether or not James Bond still needs to be deconstructed, it could be interesting to have the first truly “woke” villain in the franchise.
And why kill a villain with this kind of unseen (at least in Bond) perspective straight away? Like a more articulate Jaws, Nightfire could set up Rook to appear in subsequent films as an engaging, even sympathetic antagonist. There are all kinds of issues to explore: what does a highly-skilled henchman do when their services aren’t required ? Can you truly get revenge against the world’s greatest spy? Does James Bond create more enemies than he kills? Are there any circumstances where the two would be forced to work together? If Bond can have recurring friends like M, Q etc. why can’t he have recurring enemies not surnamed Blofeld?
Forget Bond, this is the multifaceted role Idris Elba truly deserves.
The set pieces are the equal of the films
Obviously, by virtue of being a video game, Nightfire focuses on action, and developers came up with enough variety in sequences for at least some to be worthy of being adapted. These include:
-a snowmobile chase
-infiltrating a nuclear power plant which seems to be hosting a sniper convention
-performing a literal Tower Heist (2011)
The finest moment in the game comes when Bond first gets to Japan. His mission is to safeguard one of Drake’s whistleblowing employees, who is inevitably attacked in his home by yakuza members. At the end of the level, Bond is ready to leave when the VIP is assassinated by a ninja-who then turns to Bond.
Presumably in the film, you’d write the scene so that Bond run out of ammunition just before. It’s dark, it’s raining. His opponent has night vision. It could be one of the most aesthetically appealing sequences in the franchise.
It’s more than just nostalgia
Of course, the game had 40 years of Bond films to be inspired it, so some of the levels are clear homages to earlier scrapes. The Roger Moore-ishness of the Brosnan years is apparent in one level where Bond’s Aston Martin takes to the sea as a submarine. But that’s not the “worst” of it.
There’s one place where James Bond is forbidden from visiting. At least since 1979. What might stop Nightfire from being a viable starting point for a new Bond more than anything is the last act, which takes Bond into outer space. Because of Moonraker, the perception is that Bond can never go into orbit and still be taken seriously. In the books, he never went. In Moonraker, Bond wasn’t just in space to stop Hugo Drax’s genocide plan, he was on a mission to cash in on Star Wars.
One cynical adventure shouldn’t confine 007 to Earth. From the start, space was a part of the series, even if Bond didn’t go himself. Dr No wanted to ruin NASA launches, Blofeld captured astronauts.
If the strength of Nightfire is showing Bond as a superhero again, space is the way. By now, villains should be aware of who they are up against and feel that only the most extreme options will work. In the literal sense, their plans will have to go over Bond’s head. Returning to the final frontier is a way to fight the demons of Moonraker: saving the world can look goofy, but it’s still saving the world.
A Nightfire film's space scenes should if anything, function as an anti-Casino Royale: it’s such a left-field choice that anything that follows will automatically appear grounded in the reality between. That will give future Bond films their freedom to experiment back.
It’s more topical than it appears
The final act of Nightfire involves Drake’s space program being discovered by Bond, which forces him to accelerate his plan-the takeover of the USA’s orbital defence platform, and the ICBMs aboard. While dismissable fifteen years ago, reality is almost caught up. President Trump has plans for a “Space Corps” military branch and private rocketry corporations go from milestone to milestone.
Bond villains are often compared to real life influencers. In Tomorrow Never Dies, the media tycoon Elliot Carver was based on Robert Maxwell. Nightfire’s Raphael Drake could very easily be characterised as an evil Elon Musk.
There is a risk that, even if North Korea is on the warpath again, nuclear weapons have been done over and over. Why not change this, and continue the 007 series as the leader in techno-thrillers? Instead of nukes, have the villain take over an experimental kinetic bombardment satellite. At least, that way, Drake could be killed by getting attached to one of the “Rods from God” and dropped.
Then 007’s new actor could say something like “he seemed like such a down to earth man” and James Bond would be back.
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