Oh Hi, Kim Kardashian and North West Wore Matching Snakeskin Outfits to Kanye Church

Kim Kardashian and North West showed up to Kanye West’s Sunday Service wearing matching snakeskin.
Kanye’s services have become celeb-packed events, but North West’s dancing steals the spotlight every damn time.
Kanye West, man who randomly seems to have started his own church exclusively for celebrities because sure why not, blessed the world Calabasas with yet another Sunday Service over the weekend! And yes, North West was there, and yes, she killed it on the dance floor, by which I mean a patch of dirt because Church of Kanye happens in the great outdoors.
But once you’re done being jealous of North being a better dancer than you, peep her outfit. She’s wearing full head-to-toe snakeskin-and turns out, her mom Kim Kardashian rocked the exact same look. Because if you don’t wear matching church outfits that’ll doubtless make the internet spiral into Taylor Swift conspiracy theories, What! Is! The! Point?!
Anyway, here’s North putting us all to shame:
And here’s a not-great shot of Kim partially obscured by a shrub-but clearly wearing North’s same outfit in adult size:
FYI, this week’s service was attended by Khloé Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, and Kourtney Kardashian, as well as celebrities like Courtney Love (???), Katy Perry (?????????) and Elf Bae Orlando Bloom (?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!). It remains unclear whether Kanye is making an album of religious music or simply moonlighting as a pastor in between Yeezy drops. Stay tuned!
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