How one pastor explains the nation's current apocalypse: 'The #MeToo and Time's Up movements are simply exposing what was already there'

Living within an apocalypse seems like a scary thing. However, when you trace the word back to its origins in literature, an apocalypse doesn’t sound so bad — especially when considering that our society might be amidst one right now. Women, it seems, are the leaders of the current apocalypse.

According to Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber, the founder of House for All Sinners and Saints, what our country has been experiencing regarding women’s movements over the past few months, is, in fact, an apocalypse of its own, and it’s all in the name of discovering a hopeful truth. When sitting down with MAKERS, the Evangelical Lutheran pastor says to “pull up a chair and make yourself uncomfortable.”

“In Greek, the word apocalypse means to uncover, to peel away, to show what’s underneath,” Bolz-Weber explains. “There’s not been a sudden uptick in sexual misconduct and assault in our country. The #MeToo and Time’s Up movements are simply exposing what was already there.”

Bolz-Weber goes on to say that male domination has been exposed as what’s at the center of sexual harassment issues — something that could only be discovered through this apocalyptic reveal. And with this moment of uncovering, people can find new hope in the fact that these dominant powers are not the “ultimate powers.”

“The origin of the harm really can be the most powerful source of healing,” the pastor shares, which is precisely what is uncovered through an apocalypse, so get ready for the revelation.

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