Did You Know You Can Order Your McDonald's Hash Browns Well Done?

Before we go any further, yes, I know McDonald's hash browns are practically perfect in every way, but allow me this: sometimes they could be a litttttle more perfect, no? And Foodbeast's Peter Pham knows how. He's been ordering his hash browns "well done" for years now and swears it makes all the difference.
"I would work the morning shift at Micky D's during my college years, and one of my favorite things to make during break would be extra crispy hash browns," he explained in a recent post:
Like all well-done starches, all you would have to do is leave the shredded potato patties in the hot oil a few minutes past the wail of the fryer. Turns out it's no longer an industry secret as I recently discovered that you can actually order your hash browns well done as you would fries.
He goes on to explain that the well-done version of your favorite breakfast item is pretty much the same, except for that it comes out darker and crispier. He's also not wrong in that people have been hacking the breakfast menu for awhile now...and that this particular hash brown hack has changed lives.
See? You're welcome. Also, thx @Peter, u rock.
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