The Pentagon is finally unsealing the X-Files – thanks to UFO-obsessed rocker Tom DeLonge
On May 16, the US current affairs digest 60 Minutes put out a sensational tweet trailing its next edition. “After decades of public denial, the Pentagon now admits the existence of unidentified aerial phenomena - or UAP - more commonly known as UFO,” it read. “And the Senate wants answers.”
It was difficult not to hear Orson Welles’ voice in your internal monologue. Harder still to comprehend that the headline actually meant what it said. But yes; the Pentagon really has revealed that there’s strange stuff in the sky that they can’t explain. The admission followed the formation, in 2020, of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force. "The mission of the task force is to detect, analyze and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to U.S. national security," explained the then-U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, David Norquist.
The Pentagon is currently getting ready to publish a huge dossier of data comprising everything they know about UAPs from assorted departments, following the signing of an act in December 2020 that gave them 180 days to get their facts together. Short of admitting that there’s actual alien corpses in a top-secret lock-up somewhere, the word about everything from Roswell onward is basically: it’s true.
Even former president Barack Obama himself recently admitted that, “What is true – and I’m actually being serious here – is that there’s footage and records of objects in the skies that we don’t know exactly what they are. We can’t explain how they moved.”
But perhaps the most surprising element in this story full of surprises came from a retweet of the 60 Minutes story. “For the record - @TTSAcademy STARTED ALL THIS,” it boasted. “I was surrounded by heroes that came of out the shadows of CIA, DOD and Lockheed Martin Skunkworks. Together we changed the world and it’s [sic] effects will be felt as a downpour of reality-changing information for years to come.”
Those are the words of Tom DeLonge, head of the To The Stars… Academy Of Arts And Sciences (TTSA), a learning, research and entertainment organisation with a particular focus on UFOs. The same DeLonge who plays guitar and sings in Angels And Airwaves, formerly one-third of California punk trio Blink-182. The same Blink-182 who found fame with All The Small Things from the delightfully-titled Enema Of The State album, and with whom DeLonge spent the early 2000s rhyming "Diarrhoea giver" with "Listening to Slayer" on a song called Dysentery Gary, all the while stood beneath enormous onstage letters that spelled out a giant, flaming "F___".
As unlikely as his role in opening the X-Files may seem, DeLonge has been on the case for decades; in UFO circles he is a respected, award-winning figure. While in Blink-182, on the emphatic Aliens Exist, he sang of "Twelve majestic lies", a reference to The Majestic 12, the codename given to an alleged top secret department set up by President Harry Truman in 1947 to recover and investigate UFOs and alien spacecraft. A member of the group is purported to have video of captured aliens.
During interviews, meanwhile, the band would play up to the idea of Tom being a fully fledged conspiracy nut. More recently, drummer Travis Barker told Joe Rogan just how far his former bandmate’s conviction on the subject went. “We used to get loaded and just look out the bus window [for UFOs], and I used to do it with him - it was kind of a bonding experience,” he said. “With Tom, that was his thing - let’s get high and look for UFOs. So we would! He would even go as far as when we were on tour [to be] like, ?‘Let’s go and f______ look for Bigfoot.’ He would assemble a crew and they would go do it.”
After quitting Blink-182, in 2014 DeLonge started To The Stars… (as it was then called) in 2014 primarily as a label to release music by his band Angels And Airwaves, but also to publish books and make movies on UFOs and unexplained phenomena. He was widely dismissed as a nut – especially after he went on Joe Rogan and aired the opinion that Roswell was the work of on-the-run Nazis based in Argentina - but he did at least have the courage of his convictions.
“Would I leave rock and roll just to go do something that there's no data for and it's just pie in the sky and we're just imagining things? No! Why would I? I mean, that's insane,” he told Sky News in 2019. "But would I leave it for something that I truly think can change the world and have a positive impact and make it a better place, and something that needs to be dealt with, something that's serious?”
DeLonge's road to being proved right started in 2016, when he was invited to an event for the families and trusted acquaintances of employees at Skunk Works, the Advanced Development Programs wing of aerospace giant Lockheed Martin. Other guests, he told George Knapp on Coast To Coast AM, were “the most classified and the most advanced group of engineers and scientists that work within the military industrial complex.”
His job on the day was to give a short introductory speech for the head of Skunk Works, Rob Weiss, which he agreed to do in exchange for five minutes of his time. Knowing not to actually say the word "UFO" (“You don’t mention UFOs… you’ll get kicked right out the door”) he presented the project he was currently working on - an documentary investigation into ultra-advanced technology – as a good PR opportunity. He told Weiss that this tech was so shrouded in secrecy that the internet's many rabbit holes could only make it look dark and dangerous. His pitch was to demystify it, give it more credibility.
Lockheed Martin reportedly invited him back for a proper meeting in much more high-security, Tom Clancy-ish surroundings, during which DeLonge realised they’d done a thorough background check in preparation. They liked his ideas, but chose not to take part in the documentary. DeLonge went on to claim that he was then invited by the sort of men who know where the Ark Of The Covenant is stored – from the CIA, NASA, U.S. Space Command – to talk to them about his ideas. During the latter encounter, he says, a man in a highly decorated uniform tacitly gave him the nod: "You've been given permission, now shut the F up and get to work."
It’s easy to be sceptical. His descriptions of security doors and happening to notice the insignia officers talking to him had on their uniforms are brilliant if true, but when followed up by website The War Zone, all except Lockheed Martin had no record of the visit. The site even ran a transcript of the interview with the sell: “DeLonge is either lying and his company can't be trusted, or dark areas of the military-industrial complex had a direct hand in its founding”.
But two things lend credibility to his tale. First, in 2017, after his company expanded and opened science and aerospace divisions with the help of noted ufologist Harold E. Puthoff and Jim Semivan, a former Senior Intelligence Officer at the CIA’s Clandestine Operations department, they also began working with one Luis Elizondo. Elizondo had been at the Pentagon, working on their black-ops Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), but had become frustrated with the blockage of info from within. After resigning, he joined what was now called the To The Stars… Academy Of Arts And Sciences, as did a group of other high-ranking officials from the intelligence and technology community, including Skunk Works.
Then there's the fact that someone on the inside had given them actual UFO videos. These came from “real U.S. government systems,” and were “not blurry amateur photos but real data and real videos.” One video, known as FLIR1, was of the 2004 "Nimitz Incident", during which a Navy pilot off the coast of San Diego encountered something moving at speed and in a “ping-pong” manner that couldn’t be explained as simply an enemy with better tech than what they were sitting in.
This, along with the second video named Gimbal, and the corroborating paper trail, were passed to New York Times journalist Leslie Kean. A story ran on December 17, 2017, under the headline, Glowing Auras And ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program.
In UFO terms, this was dynamite. In UFO terms, this broke the world. As a result, the Pentagon has confirmed both the existence of the AATIP program (itself so secret that $22 million in funding had been pushed through in 2007 under the radar, as it were), and the authenticity of the videos.
They also quickly appointed a secret civilian operative with high-level security clearance to keep on top of reports and intelligence about UFO activity in an official capacity. In 2018, Congress made a commitment to investigating these sorts of incidents as a matter of national security, while the following year, the U.S. Navy guidelines on reporting seeing weird stuff while on manoeuvres were changed to encourage doing it without fear of not being taken seriously.
“We’ve taken the subject out of the basement of the Pentagon and brought it to our elected leaders,” DeLonge told Kerrang! magazine at the time. “I never in a million years thought I’d make any traction like this. It’s one of those points in life where everything has come together, and the next thing you know, you’ve stumbled into a flowing river that’s pushing you down a canyon, and you don’t have much say anymore. It’s pretty insane.”
And it didn’t stop there. In 2019, TTSA confirmed they were in possession of materials, the composition of which were “not from any known existing military or commercial application”. Almost immediately, it was revealed that the Army was interested in working with them on researching exactly what they had and what it could be used for, providing facilities, intel and other practical support.
By his own admission, plenty of what TSSA has used as intel is already available if you know where to look, and there are still many secrets that will remain so for security reasons. In the TTSA-produced series Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation, Luis Elizondo frequently (and, naturally, for dramatic effect) says he is sworn to secrecy on particularly hot topics. Yet it's undeniable that their work has helped force the most powerful government in the world to not only admit they know things, but reshape how it now handles this intelligence. It's a seismic achievement.
Yet this victory is only part of the story. For Tom DeLonge, the obsession and fascination with what’s out there is his life’s work. He continues in music, with Angels And Airwaves about to release their first album in seven years and rumours of a Blink-182 reunion. As the top dog of TTSA, though, the work never stops. Not that it’s really work to him.
“There’s no real endpoint,” he told Kerrang!. “We’re talking about studying nature – it’s not like we’ll ever learn everything and just stop. There’s no endpoint to technological breakthroughs. What I want to do is create a company that’s robust enough, and has the resources, to do what governments usually do. Look at the internet – the government created it, but then Google came in and now look at them. That’s my goal.”
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