19 Overrated Sex Acts Folks Tried Once And Did NOT Like Afterward (Like, I'm Pretty Sure They'll Retire Them)

Recently, Reddit user u/KnownNormie asked the community, "What sexual act did you think was totally overrated after you tried it?"

Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga kissing in a bubble bath in "A Star Is Born"
Warner Bros. Pictures

Well, folks didn't hold anything back. They revealed some pretty juicy truths about sexual positions they believe are "awful" and "not nearly as fun or sexy" as they look. Like, I'm pretty sure they'll never do them again.

Maya Rudolph grimacing on "SNL"
Maya Rudolph grimacing on "SNL"


So here are some sex acts people think are very, very, verrrrrry overrated:

Note: Everyone's sexual experience is different. Not all opinions below reflect a broad view of sex.

1."Phone sex. I'm so incredibly bad at it that I stutter and 'um' my way through it. I dated someone who loved it and convinced me to try it. 'I'm...okay. I'm rubbing myself and it feels so good. Picturing you, baby.' I don't think I've ever been so embarrassed and flustered in my life."


2."In high school, my girlfriend heard that giving a blowjob with Pop Rocks in your mouth was supposed to be really awesome and feel amazing for the guy. It made sense to me, so we tried it. It felt like shards of glass mixed with gravel being scraped across my member. It was awful, and I immediately pulled away and was no longer in the mood, which, for a 15-year-old, is hard to accomplish, btw."


3."Most porn positions — they are uncomfortable AF."


"I remember an r/AskReddit thread in which some guy told an anecdote about how he was having sex with his girlfriend. She asked him, 'Who are you trying to show this to?' and that's when he realized...

"Most porn positions are just so the camera can get a good view, not for the sex to be pleasurable."


4."Sex on the beach. SAND in every crack and crevice of both bodies..."

Couple kissing on a beach

5."Car sex when you're a teenager is thrilling. But car sex as an adult when you actually have options at home and aren't nearly as flexible as you used to be is less fun."


6."Up against the wall. It's a hard-ass workout for me when holding her up — plus, it's hard to get the thrusts at the right angle to actually be enjoyable. Best position is 100% doggy style — it's comfortable, it hits just right with the angles, and it gives you a lot of options for extra things to do with your hands to increase pleasure for both partners."


7."My partner and I tried 69-ing once and then tried it a second time, and both times were just way too much effort. I don't have enough concentration to give a BJ while I'm being eaten out."


8."'Sexy,' edible stuff, like chocolate or honey. It's just messy and physically off-putting by the end."

Woman putting a strawberry with whipped cream in a man's mouth

9."Threesomes. I have enough trouble satisfying one woman — I feel like I spent most of the time waiting for my turn."


10."Anal — I have done it with multiple partners. Once you get past the sphincter, there is little to no texture. Too smooth in there for my liking. Any woman I’ve done it with could take it or leave it — it doesn’t matter how aroused and lubed up they are. It’s always a meh kinda thing."


11."Reverse cowgirl. From the woman's perspective, it’s a weird combination of all the least fun bits of what should be your fun bits. No eye contact, staring at toe hairs. Yeah, I tried it only once."


12."Sex in the shower. Unless you have traction stickers shaped like a yellow duck in the bathtub, you might end up breaking a bone or two (or cracking a rib)."

A couple embracing in the shower

13."Getting road head. It is really hard to focus on both the road and the head, so there’s a chance you’ll lose your boner."


14."Eating my butt out. My friends love it, but for me it just feels odd."


15."Role-playing and certain types of bondage. I'm more into the S and M parts of BDSM. Bondage is high-key kinda boring, especially when there is no actual sexual contact happening. And role-playing usually feels forced without copious amounts of prep. Plus, I can never take it seriously, as my D&D instincts kick in and I just want to either have an adventure or start cracking jokes."


16."'Scissoring' — there was a lot of maneuvering for little reward."

Two women having sex

17."'Titty fucking' — it was literally pointless. No pleasure for her, barely any for me — I could have spent the time actually fucking instead."


18."Hot tub sex — the water is a shitty lube. Plus, it was an enclosed room, so it was super steamy. My body was so overheated, I could barely keep it up — I was 19, and that was the only time I've ever had trouble sober."


19.And this: "Having cum in your mouth. It looks hot as hell, but it really doesn't taste good. Like, seriously: With the sticky, slimy texture and vaguely salty but also just generally unpleasant taste, it's not really enjoyable. Plus, since it's so sticky, the taste is hard to get out. There are different foods you can eat that apparently can make it taste different, but I've never really had the chance to actually test that theory. Either way, not nearly as fun or sexy as it looks (well, maybe for whoever is doing the coming, but for whoever has to actually taste it, it's not that fun)."

Woman holding slime

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

Do *you* think these sexual positions/acts are overrated? Let us know in the comments below!