People Are Sharing Things That Are Different When You're Unattractive, And There Are Actually Some Pros
3 min read
On Friday, I wrote a post about people sharing things that are easier when you're unattractive. People provided some pretty specific instances where being unattractive is beneficial.
Prapass Pulsub / Getty Images
Here's what they said:
1."I've never been catcalled in my entire life. Men have always treated me as an equal. Everyone assumes I am competent. Nobody cares that I am aging."
2."I got to know my appearance on a deeper level by being unattractive instead of doing the bare minimum! I had to physically research what haircuts suit my face, what foundation tone works for me, what clothes compliment my figure better, etc. I found myself along the way :)."
Guido Cozzi / Getty Images
3."Shoplifting. As soon as you present as unfuckable, no one is paying attention to you."
4."Being 'invisible' is so much easier. The best spy in the world is not going to look like James Bond. All they would need is to be unattractive enough to be deemed unwanted. This hurts, but it's true. However, those same 'invisible' people see and hear everything. It's amazing the kind of crazy sh*t people say and do when they think they're 'alone!'"
5."I had three gorgeous roommates in college, and I was the funny one. When it comes to judging the character of guys, it's super easy to figure out who’s a dick following his dick, and who’s a decent human being."
6."Saving lots of money from buying clothes. I don’t have to buy fancy clothes or looks for different occasions. I can be happy wearing my Spider-Man shirt or my favorite blue jogger sweatpants."
Nina Vartanava / Getty Images/EyeEm
7."Being free from romantic/dating/sex drama."
8."Being single without being questioned why."
9."Finding a partner who actually cares about you, not just your appearance."
10."Honestly, not remembering people and getting forgotten. I used to obsess over this when I was younger, but now I just forgot about it honestly. I have met both very attractive people and very unattractive people, and to be honest I go by the old saying from my region (The Balkans): 'We are all bloody under the skin.' What makes me special is that I am not special, and when you accept that truth, life just gets easier because at the end it's your life and you are the one in control."
11."Being friends with the opposite sex. I love having some guy friends. If you're not attractive, you won't make their girlfriends jealous."
Zia Soleil / Getty Images
12."If you are a girl and your interviewer is another girl, you will more likely be hired."
And lastly:
13."This may be unpopular, but — love. Everyone who has a happy love life I know is unattractive. Beauty attracts people who are only interested in your looks. It's like money. Real love and happiness are not related to money or beauty."
Do YOU have any examples they might've missed? Let me know in the comments below.
Note: Responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.