The Perfect Sunday Reset Routine To Rest, Recover and Recenter

Woman setting up a cozy area in her living room as part of her Sunday reset routine

Sundays are a designated day for resting, recovering and resetting for the new week ahead. Out of all of the days in the week, Sundays serve as a universal pause button, giving us the chance to slow down and set the tone for the week. The best part about a Sunday reset routine is that it is the antithesis of hustle and bustle—the perfect end-of-week schedule encourages slowness and self-care.

Hustle culture and measuring our productivity as a means of self-worth are deeply ingrained in many of us. Heck, many folks still unconsciously compete with each other regarding who has the busier schedule as if it's a badge of honor. Having a Sunday reset routine that fills your cup is a secret weapon in battling against impending burnout and stress.

Everyone is different, and thus, everyone's weekend schedule will vary. What's important is that your Sunday reset revitalizes your mind, body and spirit—leaving you feeling restored as you head into the new week. 

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What Is a Sunday Reset?

A Sunday reset is a routine that allows folks to rejuvenate, refocus and prepare for the upcoming week—no matter what they have in store. Sunday reset routines serve as intentional time to unwind and engage in activities that promote self-care. It's also a great time to attend to house chores and other errands we may not always have the time to do on the weekdays.

Everyone's weekly Sunday rituals look different, but they often include a combination of activities such as creating your schedule for the week, doing an intricate skincare routine, taking a long bath, setting new goals, meal-prepping and more.

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How To Design Your Perfect Sunday Reset Routine

If you're wondering how to design your perfect Sunday reset routine, just remember that there's no right or wrong way to structure it. The most important component is having a healthy combination of productive activities and restful activities. Start by evaluating your upcoming week, including any priorities, work tasks or events you have to consider. This can help you decide what you need to get a jumpstart on, like laundry or meal-prepping.

TikTok creator @jenna_bean014 explains that she breaks up her Sunday reset into different categories—including self-care, environmental, quality time and mental. Self-care includes activities like doing a full skincare routine, while environmental includes activities like washing your bed sheets. Having these different categories with activities to pull from helps ensure you're balancing productivity with rest.

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Related: ‘I'm a Newbie to Good Skincare Routines—Here Are 10 TikTok Skincare Hacks To Try That Actually Worked for Me'

Your Sunday Reset Checklist

If you're still stumped on what specific activities to include in your perfect Sunday reset routine, Parade has you covered. Read the list below for your Sunday reset checklist:

  • Wash your bedding. Nothing feels better than sleeping on fresh sheets!

  • Do your laundry. You don't want to be struggling to find underwear halfway through the week.

  • Water your plants. Be honest—when was the last time the plants had a drink?

  • Do some light exercise. Whether it's a yoga class or a walk through the park, get moving.

  • Tidy up. It doesn't have to be a deep house clean, but you'll feel better going into the week with a fresh home.

  • Meal prep or plan. If you don't want to be eating peanut butter and jelly or takeout all week, this is your best bet.

  • Plan your week ahead. Have an overall idea of what you have coming up and what you should be prepared for each day to look like.

  • Take an "everything shower." Body scrub, hair mask and all the works included.

  • Do a full skincare routine. You may not have the time or energy to do your skincare every night, so Sunday is the perfect day to do so.

  • Treat yourself. Whether it's having Sunday dinner with your family or getting coffee earlier in the day, have some fun with it. You deserve it.

  • Take time to rest. The most important part of your Sunday reset is resting. Whether it's curling up with a book and hot cup of tea or watching your favorite comfort show, make sure you give yourself time before you tucker out.

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