Pierce Brosnan Approves of Aaron Taylor-Johnson Being the New Bond

Rumors were flying last week about Aaron Taylor-Johnson potentially being the next 007, and while there is still no confirmation on that, one former Bond seems to think Taylor-Johnson would be a good fit.

Appearing on The Ray D'Arcy Show, Pierce Brosnan was asked, "The rumors are swirling around again as to who is the next James Bond. Aaron Taylor-Johnson is the name. He is saying he's not going to comment on the rumors. I'm wondering - the first time your name was mentioned around Bond while you were still doing Remington Steel - was it all cloak and dagger? Or was it out in the open? Or was there less interest back in the day about who was going to be the next Bond?"

"There's always been interest," Brosnan said. "It's generational. It's been passed on".

"I'd definitely tip my hat to [Taylor-Johnson]. I think the man has the chops, talent and charisma to play Bond. Very much so," Brosnan said.

Brosnan and Taylor-Johnson have starred in a film together previously in 2009 titled The Greatest. Brosnan recalled working with him, saying, "One of the first movies we made, one of the earliest movies, was The Greatest...he was the greatest in it."

Who will actually step into Bond's shoes is still to be confirmed, but it appears Taylor-Johnson has the Brosnan stamp of approval.