Will Poulter Dons "Toy Story" Sid Bully Costume
You may know actor Will Poulter from his roles in We're the Millers, The Maze Runner, and The Revenant. But Poulter also looks a little bit like Sid, the bully from Toy Story, and this year he decided to suit up as the character for Halloween - but not just because of internet laughs.
In a post on social media, Poulter wrote, "This Halloween I thought I should respond to the comparison with Disney Pixars biggest bully next door and go as Sid from Toy Story!"
The resemblance is uncanny, but Poulter is counting on people to share the picture, so he's added some follow-up notes:
"In addition to having a laugh at my expense I wanted to try and raise some attention for a cause I am an ambassador for! @antibullyingpro
As this month is Bullying Prevention Month in the USA and Antibullying Week in the U.K. is just around the corner, I would really appreciate it if you could please give them a follow before you like or share and help support the cause to make school a safer and happier place for young people."
As Anti-Bullying Pro is an organization that trains people to become anti-bullying peer advocates in schools, Poulter's homage works on both the literal costume level, and also as a way to carry his cause's message through. Well played.
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