Pretty Promising Virtue Names for Baby Girls
For a long time — we’re talking thousands of years — parents have given their children virtue names in the hopes of giving them certain qualities. It was a common practice in ancient Greece and Rome; in fact, the Greek name Arete literally means “virtue.” (Arete was a concept that referred to excellence, especially in morality.)
But it’s the Puritans who usually come to mind when we think of virtue names. Along with relatively tame and “normal” virtue names like Patience and Temperance, many Puritan families took it to the next level when naming their babies. One particularly notable example of this came from the 17th-century Barebone family; as if the last name Barebone weren’t enough, there was Praise-God Barebone, his brother Fear-God, and another family member named Unless-Jesus-Christ-Had-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned … which leaves us hoping there was at least a cute nickname involved (although even we’re drawing a blank for that one, TBH). Other actual, historically-documented examples of these extreme Puritan virtue names? Humiliation, Handmaid, Forsaken, and Helpless. Yikes.
As Puritanism (and its religious fervor) spread to Colonial America in the 17th and 18th centuries, virtue names remained popular. But as the religious fanaticism cooled off, so did the use of these names — and by the middle of the 19th century, at least in the United States, they’d been largely replaced in favor of names like Emma, Ida, Nellie, and Florence for girls and Walter, Frank, Joseph, and Henry for boys.
But as we know, when it comes to baby names, everything that goes out of vogue inevitably becomes cool again. And virtue names are no exception; they’ve been experiencing a resurgence in popularity lately — because at their core, they represent some of the most beautiful traits humanity has to offer. There are the expected virtue names that have withstood the test of time and remained fairly popular, like Hope and Grace, but also some unique options that you may never have thought of. Will they really give your baby girl the qualities the word embodies? It can’t hurt to find out!
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Serenity is a virtue that embodies a state of untroubled calmness, tranquility, and peacefulness. It involves cultivating inner peace, composure, and wisdom, which allows someone to navigate life’s challenges with clarity and acceptance. A person who embraces serenity can trust that everything will work out for the best, even in uncertain circumstances. (As a bonus, Rennie is a cute nickname possibility!)
The virtue of verity encompasses truthfulness, sincerity, and authenticity. It involves being honest and transparent in words and actions, and being committed to seeking and speaking the truth, even when it’s tough. People who embody verity demonstrate integrity, reliability, and moral courage.
Constance is a virtue that represents steadfastness, loyalty, and unwavering commitment. It involves remaining faithful and dedicated to values, principles, and relationships, no matter what. People who embody the virtue of constance are reliable, dependable, and have a strong moral character.
Amity represents friendship, affection, empathy, and benevolence towards others. It involves growing warm and harmonious relationships, being kind, considerate, and compassionate, and promoting a sense of community and social bonding.
The virtue of felicity represents a flourishing state of happiness and joy. People who embody it are positive and optimistic, with a capacity to appreciate (and celebrate!) even the small things in life, and have a deep sense of contentment, gratitude, and well-being — finding joy in the simple things.
Self-discipline is the hallmark of temperance — a virtue that represents moderation, self-control, and balance in all aspects of life. It involves developing a sense of healthy restraint, avoiding excesses and extremes, and striving for a middle ground that promotes harmony and well-being. Temperate people demonstrate wisdom, discipline, and a commitment to living a balanced and virtuous life.
Harmony is when all is right with the world! It’s a virtue that represents a state of cohesion and mutual understanding, and a sense of unity, cooperation, and balance. The virtue of harmony strives to create a sense of accord and tranquility in all relationships and interactions, and harmonious people are empathetic, adaptable, and peace-loving.
Arguably one of the most valuable virtues (most of us could stand to have a little more of it!), patience represents the ability to endure difficult or unpleasant situations with calmness, composure, and perseverance. It involves tolerating delays, setbacks, or hardships without becoming agitated, frustrated, or disheartened.
The virtue of justice represents fairness, impartiality, and a commitment to doing what is right and moral. It’s upholding the principles of equality, morality, and law, and treating others with dignity and respect. If a person is just, they have a strong sense of morality, a commitment to fairness, and a willingness to promote the common good. As a name, it’s a great unisex choice!
Valor means an unrelenting courage, bravery, and willingness to take risks in the face of challenge or danger. It involves standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity, and being willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. And it has a cute nickname: Val!
A charitable person always shows generosity, kindness, and a willingness to help others in need. They’re compassionate, empathetic, and freely show love towards others — motivated by a genuine desire to benefit and uplift them. They have a selfless concern for the well-being of others and a commitment to making a positive impact in the world.
Merit is a virtue that represents excellence and achievement. People with merit make a commitment to earning recognition and respect through their efforts and accomplishments, always striving for quality, perfection, and distinction in all aspects of life. They’re motivated by a desire to make a positive contribution and leave a lasting impact. People who embrace merit demonstrate a strong work ethic, a passion for excellence, and a sense of personal responsibility.
Honor represents integrity, dignity, and a strong sense of moral principle. It involves upholding values, principles, and reputation, being guided by a sense of duty, loyalty, and responsibility. Honorable people demonstrate a commitment to living with integrity, being true to their word, and earning the respect and trust of others.
Mercy is a virtue that represents compassion, forgiveness, and kindness towards others, especially those who have made mistakes or are suffering. It involves showing empathy and understanding, and being willing to forgive and show leniency — when deserved, of course. If someone is merciful, they have a capacity for kindness, empathy, and compassion, and a commitment to healing and restoration rather than punishment or retribution.
Grace embodies elegance, kindness, and a generous spirit. It involves cultivating a sense of humility, compassion, and warmth towards others, and being willing to extend kindness and courtesy. It’s a refined and compassionate character trait, committed to treating others with dignity and respect.
Having hope means having an attitude of optimism, confidence, and a positive expectation for the future. If you have hope, you have a sense of trust, faith, and perseverance — even in the face of uncertainty — and a spirit that’s resilient, courageous, and committed to working towards a brighter and more promising tomorrow.
Chastity represents purity, modesty, and self-control in one’s thoughts, words, and actions — particularly in regards to sexuality and relationships, but that isn’t all. A chaste person has a sense of dignity, respect, and integrity in interactions with others, and they’re mindful of the impact of their choices on themselves and others. By embracing chastity, they demonstrate a commitment to living a virtuous, dignified life. And as a name, if Chastity feels like it doesn’t fit or is too formal, Chas is a cool-girl alternative.
A joyful person has a deep, lasting sense of happiness, contentment, and delight in their life. They keep a positive, hopeful outlook, and find pleasure and gratitude in the even the most simple things. By embracing joy, they exude happiness, resilience, and a deep appreciation for the beauty and goodness in life.
If a person is prudent, they display wisdom, discernment, and good judgment in decision-making and action. Prudence involves having a thoughtful and reflective approach to life, considering the potential consequences of their choices and choosing the best course of action — living a thoughtful, responsible, and wise life. (And Prue is an adorable nickname!)
Faith means being trusting of, confident in, and devoted to a higher power or spiritual principles. If a person is faithful, they have a deep sense of reliance, loyalty, and commitment to their beliefs and values. Faith is a willingness to surrender to something greater than themselves in order to find meaning, purpose, and guidance in their lives.
The virtue of glory embodies greatness and exemplary character — a deep desire for excellence and honor. It’s having a noble and aspirational spirit, striving for remarkable achievements, seeking to make a positive and lasting impact on the world. Glory means having a commitment to living a life of purpose and distinction — always keeping their eyes on the prize!
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