How to Propagate a Snake Plant: 3 Simple Methods
Learn how to propagate a snake plant so you can gift this ultra-easy-to-grow plant baby to friends.
Reviewed by Sylvia DuaxReviewed by Sylvia Duax
Snake plants are among the easiest houseplants to grow. Learning how to propagate a snake plant is simple and allows you to add new plants to your collection at no cost or share them with others. The sword-like leaves of this tropical houseplant root easily in water or soil, and division is a great option for large plants.
All you need to multiply your snake plant is time, a sharp knife or pair of pruners, potting soil, and water. A few simple tips will ensure the young plants thrive, providing plenty of new plants to add to your indoor jungle, or you can share with friends. Rooting new snake plants takes a couple of months, but the wait is worth it, especially when you start seeing new shoots appearing.
Snake plants are toxic to humans and animals when ingested. Keep these plants away from pets and children.
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BHG / Juli Lopez-Castillo
Know what you're going to get.
Unique foliage patterns, such as mottled leaves or gold leaf margins, are usually lost when a snake plant is multiplied by cuttings. A variegated leaf cutting will root, and new shoots (or pups) that emerge are generally solid green. A solid green snake plant makes a great houseplant, but you should know that a cutting won't produce a replica of the parent plant. Division is how to propagate a snake plant that looks exactly like the parent plant. Dividing your snake plant will give you new plants with the same leaf coloring as the original plant.
BHG / Juli Lopez-Castillo
1. Dividing a Snake Plant
Division involves breaking the plant into sections and is the best way to propagate snake plants that have grown very big. Begin by removing the entire snake plant, roots and all, from its pot. Use a sharp knife or pruners to cut the tightly tangled root ball apart. Aim to create divisions with at least three leaves and accompanying roots.
Plant each division in moist potting mix in a container with drainage holes. Water the divisions well, allowing them to drain thoroughly. Place the newly potted plants in bright but indirect light. Water when soil is dry to the touch.
Related: How to Propagate Your Houseplants to Expand Your Collection
BHG / Juli Lopez-Castillo
2. Rooting Cuttings in Water
Rooting snake plant cuttings is as easy as placing a leaf into a jar of clean water. Begin by cutting a mature-sized leaf off an established plant. Place the cut end of the leaf in a jar or vase filled with a couple of inches of water. Put the jar in a bright spot and refresh the water, rinsing out the jar once a week. Roots should form at the base of the cutting in about two months. After roots form, plant the rooted cutting in a container filled with houseplant potting mix.
BHG / Juli Lopez-Castillo
3. Starting Cuttings in Soil
Snake plant cuttings will root in moist potting mix, too. First, remove a leaf from an established plant, cutting the leaf at the base of the plant with pruners or a knife. You can maximize the number of new plants by cutting the leaf horizontally into 2-inch pieces. Make angled cuts or notch the leaf pieces to help you remember which end is the "bottom" and which is the "top."
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Dip the bottom end of each leaf cutting in rooting hormone to encourage roots to grow more quickly and prevent rot. Place the cutting about a half-inch deep in moist potting mix in a shallow container with drainage holes. Once your cuttings are planted (cut side down), check the soil regularly to ensure it's moist. Be sure to empty any excess water that drains out of the container after watering to prevent root rot.
After about two months, try to gently lift the cutting out of the soil. If you feel resistance, the cutting is rooted and established in its new pot. If the cutting pops out of the soil, replant it, and continue to water when it's dry.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it easier to use soil or water to propagate snake plants?
Propagating snake plants in water is, perhaps, easier because you only need snake plant cuttings, a jar of water, and sunlight to begin. However, this method comes with a slightly higher risk of rot. To avoid developing the dreaded rot, keep your cutting in a sunny spot and change the water regularly (we recommend once a week) for at least two months.
What is the fastest way to propagate a snake plant?
Snake plant cuttings take one to four months to develop new roots (and even longer before new leaf growth develops). If you want to propagate a snake plant faster, divide it instead of propagating from cuttings. (Propagation via division will also allow you to keep any variegated coloring your plant may have.)
When is the best time to propagate a snake plant?
You can propagate snake plant cuttings any time of year so long as you provide them with bright light (but keep them out of direct sunlight) as they grow. House them where temperatures remain above 45°F (ideally between 65°F and 80°F) for best results.
Where is the best spot to place a snake plant in your house?
Snake plants prefer indirect sunlight, so they work best a few feet away from a west or south window. Too much sun could burn their leaves but not enough sun could prevent them from growing.
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