The Duffer Brothers Say There Will Be Death In "Stranger Things" Volume 2, So I Ranked The Characters Based On How Sad I'd Be If They *Did* Die
With the final episodes of Stranger Things Season 4 premiering, fans are mentally preparing themselves for the rumored deaths of some beloved characters. The show's creators, the Duffer Brothers, have already promised several deaths, so theories and predictions are running wild. I’ve created a list of characters I think may die, why I think that, and how emotionally damaged I'll be after their deaths. Get your tissues, folks.
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Look. I’ve already lived through one Hopper “death,” and I cannot live through another one. Just no. But this is also why I don’t think he’s going to die in the final episodes. It would be a very anticlimactic death and would feel pointless. So I don’t think Hopper is going to die, so we’re not even going to imagine what would happen if he did.
Murray is playing a pretty central role this season, and since we last saw him with Joyce and Hopper in Russia with no real way of getting back home, I have a feeling someone will be dying before they get stateside. And Murray would make the most sense. If he dies, I will shed a few tears and miss his karate-chopping hilarity, but it’s not the worst thing ever.
I’m going to be honest, I don’t think Mike is going to die. He was sorta the main character back in Season 1 and is still a pretty essential character. But since Season 1, he’s become a little annoying, and a lot of fans probably wouldn’t be so upset if he died, thus killing him would be pointless. I don’t know if I’d be so sad over his death as much as I would be sad to see El and his friends mourn him. A few tears maybe.
I’ve always had a kind of weird relationship with Jonathan. I think he’s a great big brother and really seemed to love (or still loves?) Nancy. But he’s also…boring. All he’s really done this season is get high with Argyle. But if he died, Will and Joyce would be destroyed, so I think it’s a possibility. Like with Mike, it would be the other characters' reactions to his death that would hurt the most.
Repeat after me: WILL DESERVES BETTER. Boy has been through being possessed, going missing, PTSD, fighting with his friends, moving across the country – he just deserves a nice, normal life. So if he dies, it would be a true injustice to a boy who just wanted to draw and play D&D. I will sufficiently go through a box of tissues if he dies.
Okay, Lucas’ relevance to the show has kind of fizzled since Season 1, but he still remains a beloved character even when on the sidelines. But he has a habit of stepping in to save his friends when needed, so I could see him sacrificing himself for his friends. And that would suck. If he does die, I’ll be crying right along with Max.
Last we saw Nancy, she was caught in Vecna’s clutches, so her chances don’t look so great. But since she’s in the promo trailer a lot, and because she’s got some unresolved love triangle business (I’m looking at you, Steve and Jonathan), I’m hoping she won’t die, or at least not early on. If she dies, I will start to sob, and then I will set out to avenge her ASAP. It’s what she’d want.
Robin has managed to become a fan favorite in a short span of time, and she DOES NOT deserve to die. She deserves to fall in love, escape Hawkins, and live her amazing, lesbian life. To the Duffer Brothers: avoid the “bury your gays” trope and let my girl be happy. Or else I will cry and scream and it will not be pretty.
Max has been through a lot since Billy died, and she just needs a break. But Vecna still has a hold on her, and if someone has to die, I feel like she’s on the chopping block. If Vecna does get her, I won’t be able to get out of bed, so please, please do not kill Mad Max.
I know I’ve only had Eddie for a month, but PLEASE DON’T TAKE HIM FROM ME. I know it would make a good character arc for the guy who “runs away” to save the day, but I am not ready for that pain. No.
I have to say, as much as this death would hurt, it makes the most sense. El has spent the past few seasons protecting her friends and SAVING THE WORLD. If she has to do it one last time, I have a feeling she won’t survive. I will weep for her, but I will also be proud of my badass superhero.
Everyone is saying Steve is gonna die. Netflix is laughing in our faces because we’re so afraid for Steve “The Hair” Harrington. I am sufficiently terrified Steve might die because if he does, I will be screaming, crying, throwing up. No, thanks.
No, no, just no. You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.