Reality Steve Says Extra Guys Were Cast on ‘The Bachelorette’ Just In Case Someone Tests Positive for COVID-19

The Bachelorette has reportedly flown “extra” men out for Clare Crawley’s season just in case someone tests positive for coronavirus upon arrival.
Clare’s season begins filming later this month, and the cast and crew are currently quarantining.
Clare Crawley’s season of The Bachelorette is fiiiiinally about to start filming after a lengthy coronavirus-induced production delay, and things are all kinds of complicated. Reality Steve recently reported that Clare and her guys are staying at La Quinta Resort & Club in California—but apparently the show is flying in “extra” men just in case.
Clare’s fleet of boyfriends arrived this week, but according to Reality Steve, that “still doesn’t guarantee they’ll be on the show.”
“I’m hearing this season they have way more guys flown out there than will eventually end up on the show, and that’s to have other guys ready to go if any test positive for COVID upon arrival,” he said. “But in typical ‘Bachelor’ fashion, it’s not like they’re telling any of the ‘extra’ guys they flew out that they’re basically just a standby person.”
So, how many extra men are we talking? Unclear, but Reality Steve says, “Plenty of guys there right now are never gonna make it on the show and they have no clue they never had a chance.”
Either way, Clare’s season has been largely re-cast in recent weeks, and the entire group (including production) is being tested for coronavirus as soon as they arrive in California and will then quarantine for a full week before filming begins. Reality Steve reports that everyone on-set will continue to be tested throughout the filming process—at least every third day, but perhaps even more frequently.
Good to know they’re taking safety so seriously!
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