Rich Froning Just Shared an Absolutely Brutal Ab Challenge

Ever wonder whether you could keep pace with Rich Froning in a workout? Test your athletic ability by attempting the Mayhem Athlete Challenge (named after Froning's gym) in this workout posted on the athlete's Instagram page.
The routine calls for:
21 GHD (Glute-Ham Developer) situps
15 (for men)/12 (for women) calories on the SkiErg
9 Bar Muscleups
Start a new set every three minutes. Froning urges fans to complete one full set in two minutes in order to get a full minute of rest. As for Froning, the Fittest Man in History completed 8 rounds "because that's enough."
Fans left comments about how they fared doing the workout, and one guy claimed to have completed 11 rounds—though it's not clear whether he's joking. Several commentors straight up refused to do the workout. "I do not accept your challenge," one person wrote.
According to Men's Health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S., this is a solid posterior chain focused workout—especially when paired with ring rows.
"You'll crush your core—and your hip flexors—on the GHD situps, then get more hip and core flexion when you head to the SkiErg. By the time you reach the final bit you'll be gassed, so the muscle-ups, (or pull ups or ring rows) will be about survival," says Samuel. "Don't try to be a hero. It's OK to regress this workout. Ditch the muscle-ups for pullups or ring rows (or even dumbbell rows) to get the most out of it for your back and preserve your shoulder health."
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