How To Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles Over 50, According to Dermatologists

Woman over 50 with forehead wrinkles

Aging is a blessing, but the lines that accompany it can be… less thrilling. But there's good news—dermatologists say forehead wrinkles don't have to be an inevitable part of getting older. With the right treatments and preventative skin care, you can smooth out those creases and keep your skin looking gorgeous well into your golden years.

Here’s exactly how to get rid of forehead wrinkles over 50, according to dermatologists.

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What Causes Forehead Wrinkles?

"Forehead wrinkles are caused by the mechanical contraction of the frontalis muscle when we make facial expressions over time," explains Dr. Stefani Kappel, founder of MDAiRE and board-certified dermatologist. "The skin then gets heavier from laxity as we age and the brow can get heavier as well."

Dr. Nicole Lee of Epoch Dermatology agrees, noting that "constant movement throughout the day and over the years will eventually create creases in the skin that remain even without any movement."

Those things, plus the loss of collagen, elastin and some subcutaneous fat add up to forehead wrinkles.

Can Forehead Wrinkles Be Reversed?

The good news? Those wrinkles can potentially be improved or even reversed with proper care. "Neuromodulators like Botox can be used consistently to relax the frontalis muscle and eventually soften or reverse forehead wrinkles," says Dr. Kappel.

However, she cautions that "if you start neuromodulators later in life after years of muscle contractions, there may be some residual heaviness of the brow that can't be fully reversed."

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What Age Is It Normal To Get Forehead Wrinkles?

"This varies so much from person to person based on genetics, skin type and environmental exposures," notes Dr. Kappel. "But many people typically start seeing the first forehead lines forming in their 20s."

SkinSpirit Pasadena Medical Director Dr. Rachel Reyes-Bergano says, "When the forehead and frown lines start bothering you, it's a good time to start medical intervention. Seeking Botox in your 20s for both treatment and prevention has become quite common."

What Is the Fastest Way To Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles?

All the experts agree—Botox and other neuromodulators are the fastest, most effective temporary fix.

"The results from an in-office wrinkle relaxer treatment work remarkably quickly—you'll see results in as little as a few days, with full effects in 2 weeks," says Dr. Reyes-Bergano.

Dr. Kappel calls neuromodulators "the fastest way to get rid of forehead wrinkles."

Can You Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles Naturally?

While there's no true natural solution as effective as injectables, the experts recommend some helpful skincare habits.

"Stay hydrated, protect your skin from the sun, eat a healthy diet, moisturize, do facial massage, get enough sleep and quit smoking," advises Dr. Kappel. These steps can't reverse existing wrinkles but may help prevent future ones.

Dr. Lee says, "If 'natural' means without injections, then the most natural way is an excellent skincare routine promoting hydration, products that temporarily fill lines, silicone sheets while sleeping, and lasers that boost collagen production."

What Skincare Ingredients Actually Help Smooth Forehead Wrinkles?

"Sunscreen is the most important, along with vitamin A derivatives like retinol, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and products with neurotransmitter inhibitor peptides," according to Dr. Kappel.

She also recommends topical Argireline, "which acts similarly to Botox by relaxing the facial muscles."

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How To Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles Over 50, According to Dermatologists: 10 Effective Ways

1. Botox injections

"Botox is the best way to get rid of forehead wrinkles," says Dr. Blair Murphy-Rosem a leading board-certified cosmetic, medical and surgical dermatologist specializing in facial rejuvenation at the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York.

2. Routine laser treatments to boost collagen production, like Fraxel or CO2 lasers

"CO2 lasers significantly improve wrinkles by resurfacing skin and remodeling collagen," advises Dr. Murphy-Rose.

3. Ultrasound skin tightening like Sofwave to stimulate new elastin and collagen

Dr. Murphy-Rose calls Sofwave her "favorite treatment that uses ultrasound to powerfully stimulate collagen production."

4. Medical microneedling or other collagen induction therapies

"Collagen induction therapy in office with medical microneedling" is recommended by Dr. Reyes-Bergano.

5. Topical retinoids or prescription retinoids to increase cell turnover

"Vitamin A derivatives like retinol and prescription strength retinoids...are the gold standard in topical treatment," shares Dr. Murphy-Rose.

6. High-quality skincare with antioxidants like vitamin C

Dr. Murphy-Rose advises "topical antioxidants like vitamin C to neutralize free radicals and protect collagen."

7. Hyaluronic acid serums or moisturizers to hydrate and plump lines

Dr. Reyes-Bergano suggests "a medical grade hyaluronic acid product that helps replenish our own HA."

8. Dermal filler like Restylane for very deep set wrinkles

"For some very deep furrows, hyaluronic acid dermal fillers may be used," says Dr. Murphy-Rose.

9. Silicone sheets or masks worn at night to prevent movement

Dr. Lee recommends "silicone sheets while sleeping can also help reduce movement."

10. Lifestyle changes

A healthy lifestyle, including a good diet, sunscreen and adequate sleep.

How To Prevent Future Forehead Wrinkles

"Start caring for your skin early with sunscreen, retinol, vitamin C and a hydrating routine," recommends Dr. Kappel. "And use a small amount of neurotoxin to train your muscles not to be so animated."

Dr. Murphy-Rose agrees, and says, "Botox is really the best way to treat and prevent wrinkles of the upper face. Sun protection and hydration are also crucial."

With a proactive approach using both injectables and medical-grade skincare, you can keep forehead wrinkles at bay and maintain a smooth, youthful look for years to come.

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