Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's royal baby is probably going to be stubborn, astrologer says

What’s the new royal baby going to be like? Will they be funny and charming like dad Prince Harry? Or have big Hollywood dreams like mom Meghan Markle? Well, it might just be written in the stars.

Born in May, that means the baby’s astrological sign will be Taurus. According to astrologer Chris Love, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex should be prepared to deal with a palpable stubborn personality because Taurus is a fixed Earth sign (fixed signs come up in the middle of seasons at a time when, astrologically, things are steady and stable). With the symbol for Taurus being the bull, it’s no secret that folks with this sign tend to be headstrong. The other fixed signs — Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius — also tend to be a bit bullheaded (get it?). As for the royal baby, this might mean that we can expect a self-assuredness in their personality, a quality to be proud of.

Love notes that other than being fixed, Taurus is also an Earth sign. Earth signs tend to be down to Earth individuals who are strongly rooted in the physical world around them. Tauruses love physical comforts. The royal baby may grow up to deeply enjoy spending quality time in the comfort of their own home, watching the same movie over and over and taking naps in their beloved bed. Good news for them growing up royal, there will likely be no shortage of comfy rooms to choose from in their home. A Taurus’ home is their palace, and isn’t the best kind of palace a real one? Love explains that Tauruses love the finer things in life, another quality perfect for a royal. At least the perks of golden rattles and fancy pillows won’t be wasted on someone who gets their kicks from outdoor activities. Bottom line, we can probably assume that Meghan and Harry’s baby will be a strong-willed lover of comforts, (and will no doubt be adorable as heck too).

Love astutely points out that it comes as no surprise that the new royal baby will be a Taurus considering how many other royals also have a Taurus sun sign. May 2nd marks the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s daughter Princess Charlotte’s 4th birthday; her baby brother Prince Louis is also a Taurus, born in April last year. And not to bury the lead here, but Queen Elizabeth II is a Taurus sun sign as well. We can all rest easy assuming that the new royal baby could share a good deal of qualities with its great-grandmother, which Love says is good news because the Queen is a boss.

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