How to Run a Mile Without Stopping
Verywell / Ryan Kelly
Reviewed by John HonerkampReviewed by John Honerkamp
Running a mile without stopping is one of the first challenges for new runners, but it takes time to build your endurance. Many joggers start with good intentions and end up frustrated when they have to slow to a walk.
Learn strategies for how to run a mile without getting out of breath. Running for longer stretches will become easier once you learn what to do (and what not to do).
Follow a Training Plan
If you are new to running, following a training plan for beginners can provide a roadmap and help find routes that aren't too challenging. You will need to follow basic safety guidelines to keep your program on track.
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Train With a Schedule
Many beginner runners find that following a training schedule allows them to build endurance safely and easily. A specific program will gradually increase distance and intensity to avoid overuse injuries. Following a plan can also help you to stay motivated because you are adding challenges at a manageable rate.
Many 1-mile plans involve the run/walk method. Try alternating between one minute of running and one minute of walking, or use set distances, like half of a track or a tenth of a mile. Then, gradually increase the distance of your run intervals.
Related: Train to Run a Mile in 4 Weeks
Start With a Flat Route
If you run in a neighborhood, the courses you target for your mile run may include an incline. Some runners attack hills, assuming they should try to get over them quickly.
When you are first learning how to run a mile, your focus should be on increasing distance rather than intensity.
Find the flattest route possible until you are comfortable running a mile. Gradually add hills once you have the one-mile distance under your belt.
Ease your pace as you approach the incline to ensure you don’t exhaust yourself and start walking. Tell yourself you'll slow on the uphill, but go a bit faster on the downhill. Keep swinging your arms and let them help pump you up the hill.
Keep Safety in Mind
Running is generally safe, but even a mild trip or fall can derail your running program and set you back several weeks. When you begin a new program, it is smart to take basic safety precautions.
While you might enjoy music, wearing headphones is not always the safest way to run. If you are running outside, leave your headphones at home. You'll be better able to focus on the road and hear traffic noises (cars, other runners, cyclists), and other cues from your surroundings (animals).
You also need to ensure you're visible—especially if you run in the early morning or the evening after dark. Wear reflective clothing or shoes so drivers, cyclists, and other pedestrians can see you.
Always run with identification. Accidents can happen, and if they do, it's easier for first responders to care for you if your ID is on hand.
Related: Running on a Treadmill vs. Outside: Which Is Better?
Practice Good Form
The way you run can make a big difference in whether you keep going when running a mile. Efficient body mechanics mean you use less energy and get less winded.
Use Your Breath
Many assume they need to breathe in through their nose and out through their mouth when they run. While that may work for some, it's not always the right approach.
Breathe deeply but comfortably during more challenging runs. For most, this means breathing in through the nose and mouth to ensure they're getting enough oxygen.
With each breath, try to breathe deeply from your belly, not your chest. This can help prevent side stitches.
You might notice that each inhale and exhale falls into a pattern with your steps. This is called locomotor-respiratory coupling. For example, for every breath you take, you might land two footstrikes, and for every exhale you might land another two footstrikes. This rhythmic pattern helps your body run more efficiently.
If you feel yourself getting out of breath or have trouble controlling your breathing, you are working too hard and should slow down or walk until you catch your breath.
Related: How to Breathe While Running
Practice Good Posture
Keep your shoulders relaxed, down, and back to practice good posture as you run a mile. Leaning forward (a common newbie mistake) closes your chest area and makes it harder to breathe. You might end up feeling winded much sooner as a result.
By keeping your posture upright, you keep the airways open and breathing will be easier. Wearing a supportive running sports bra can help maintain correct posture for women. Every minute or so during your run, do a quick posture scan and make sure your shoulders aren't creeping up toward your ears and you aren't tipping the front of your body forward. Stay relaxed and elongated through the spine for an efficient stride.
Related: 8 Tips for Proper Running Form
Use Your Arms
As you learn how to run a mile, you'll notice your arms can help lighten your leg workload. It's smart to use them! Keep your arms relaxed, bent at a 90-degree angle, and swing gently from the shoulder joint. Keep them on the sides of your body rather than crossing over your chest.
If your hands float in front of your body as you run, you might be leaning too far forward.
The movement of your arms should feel natural, but you'll probably notice a contralateral pattern. That means when one leg steps forward, the opposite arm glides. This coordinated arm and leg movement helps balance and propel your body forward, meaning your legs don't have to work as hard.
Slow Your Pace
When you start running, it's common to run too fast. While you might feel fine, you could run out of steam later. Instead, keep your pace under control and discover you can run much longer.
Everyone's running speed will vary, but you can start by aiming to run at a conversational pace (you should be able to talk in complete sentences as you run). If you find yourself getting out of breath, slow down.
With improved fitness, you’ll be able to increase your speed. For now, it's more important you build confidence and endurance before increasing pace.
Related: How Fast Should Beginner Runners Run?
Boost Mental Strength
Sometimes the key to running longer distances is simply practicing "mind over matter." If you want to stop, choose an uplifting mantra and repeat it. Positive self talk has been shown to help runners and other athletes overcome physical challenges.
Related: 12 Mental Tips and Tricks for Long Runs
A Word From Verywell
Give yourself plenty of time to learn how to run a mile. Try not to compare yourself to others or worry about whether you are running fast enough or increasing your distance quickly. With consistency and persistence, you'll get there.
Once you're confidently running a mile, set a goal to run two miles or sign up for a 5K run and experience the thrill of crossing the finish line.
Read Next: How to Start Running
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to run a mile?
Everyone's running pace is different. When you're first starting out, don't worry about how fast you are running. Make completing the one-mile distance your priority. With time, your running endurance will increase and then you can focus on your pace.
How often do I need to run to run a mile without stopping?
You'll notice that your fitness level increases faster if you run on a consistent schedule. But that doesn't mean that you need to run every day. Try running three days per week and see how it feels. Make adjustments as needed and include other fitness activities in your schedule, such as strength training or yoga.
How do I run a mile on the treadmill without stopping?
Running a mile on a treadmill is similar to running on the road, but on a treadmill you can control the obstacles (such as hills). So you'll want to use the same tips for running indoors as running outdoors, with a few added safety tips to keep your treadmill run safe.
Read the original article on Verywell Fitness.