Your Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for September
Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:
September 4: Venus enters Virgo
September 9: Mercury Retrograde begins in Libra
September 10: Full Moon in Pisces
September 22: Sun enters Libra/Fall Equinox
September 22: Sun in Libra conjunct Mercury in Libra
September 23: Mercury Retrograde enters Virgo
September 25: New Moon in Libra
September 29: Venus enters Libra
Say hello to September, Sagittarius! You’re busy as ever as the month starts out and ready for a little recognition. Venus, the planet of blessings and harmony, enters Virgo on September 4, bringing fortunate vibes to the area of your chart that governs your career and calling. Your reputation receives a boost and others are taking notice of your skills. With such a sweet planet at the top of your chart, news of a promotion or raise could be in the stars. Celebrate yourself and all you’ve accomplished!
Mercury Retrograde begins in Libra on September 9. You may be working out some issues within your friends and colleagues, or old friends and former colleagues could be showing up in your world seemingly out of nowhere. Re-establishing connections could help you in some way. Networking is a little extra magical at this time.
A Full Moon in Pisces on September 10 marks the end of a big project or a phase in your career. You may feel ready to move on from your current role, or perhaps you’ve wrapped up a task and your boss and colleagues are singing your praises. Others are taking notice of your ambition and compassion. Let them celebrate you! If you’ve been spending more time at work or out in the world volunteering, you may be hit with some tension at home.
Venus in Virgo squares off against Mars in Gemini on September 16, and your passion for whatever you’re working on may mean you’re spending less time with loved ones. A partner may express their desire to see you more frequently. Competition is also in the air, so if you’re standing out in your field, your rivals may be noticing you, too.
The Sun enters Libra and the Fall Equinox arrives at the same time on September 22. Social stimulation is feeding your soul right now. The Fall Equinox reminds you to look back at the past six months. You’ve come so far, and your friends and network are part of that. Feel the gratitude! This is also an incredibly inspiring time, and you're dreaming up new hopes and goals for the future. Don’t limit yourself! On the same day, the Sun and Mercury link up at the same exact place in the sky. An ally may connect you with someone who can help bring your dreams to life. Or maybe you have a conversation with a friend that changes everything–you can see your path in a new light. New ideas and breakthroughs are on the horizon.
Mercury Retrograde moves into Virgo on September 23, and conversations you had at work with your boss or co-workers in late August are coming back up. You may also be rethinking your career or passion projects. Are you feeling fulfilled? Are you being recognized at work? Listen to your gut as you contemplate deeper questions about your vocation.
A New Moon in Libra on September 25 marks the start of a new friendship or connection. Pay attention to the people who show up in your life around this time–it’s likely they can help support you when you need it most.
Venus, the planet of harmony and blessings, enters Libra on September 29, amplifying these vibes. This is a harmonious time for friendships and community. You’re making beneficial contacts, but also reconnecting with your own power. You remember what it feels like to be supported not only by others, but by the universe. Don't let these vibes go to waste—you have the cosmic energy you need to take sweeping steps toward your dream life.
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