Your Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Photo credit: Getty/Katie Buckleitner
Photo credit: Getty/Katie Buckleitner

From Cosmopolitan

Your Key Dates

  • October 13: Prioritize relaxation

  • October 23: Shine, baby, shine!

  • October 27: Embrace your magickal side

You’re governed by Pluto, the distant celestial body that rules casual things like death, rebirth, and transformation. So although Pluto moves incredibly slowly (it takes 284 years to complete a full orbit), you’re greatly impacted by every movement this celestial body makes. On October 3, Pluto concludes its long retrograde orbit and resumes its forward motion. For you, Scorpio darling, this will positively improve your relationships within your local community. Tensions with a sibling or colleague will begin to dissipate over the next few weeks, as Pluto’s journey through Capricorn will clear whatever is no longer working. At the end of the day, you may discover that not all battles are worth fighting. You know not everyone is going to understand you—and that’s totally fine. Direct your attention where it matters, Scorpio. There’s no reason to be righteous about shit that—at the end of the day—doesn’t really matter.

On October 13, the Full Moon in Aries activates the area of your chart associated with health and wellness. A full-fledged spa day is definitely what this cosmic doctor ordered! Relax in the sauna, purify your pores with a facial, or treat yourself to an extra-fancy pedicure. Remember, your external shells reflect your internal experiences. If your mood needs adjusting, try modifying your habits—and vice versa. Journaling in the glow of a warm candle or taking some extra time to sleep will always be more rewarding than scrolling on Instagram. I promise.

And, wait a there a birthday in the house? Hell yeah there is! On October 23, the Sun skips into Scorpio, kicking off your solar return. HBD Scorpio love! From an astrological perspective, birthdays occur when the Sun in the sky connects with the Sun in your natal chart, resulting in ultimate illumination. Over the next few weeks, your glow will be especially radiant.

On October 27, the Moon meets the Sun in the sky to form a powerful New Moon in Scorpio. This will amplify your magic, making it a wonderful day to set intentions for the year ahead. Don’t be afraid to tap into your inner-witch. Whether you’re participating in a New Moon ritual or simply taking a few minutes out of your busy day to check in with yourself, this lunation will support your emotional growth. You are an extraordinary intuitive person, Scorpio babe, so embrace your inherent magick during the darkness of this velvety New Moon.

As the spookiest sign of the zodiac, you love Halloween. I mean, what Scorpio wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to dress up in a disguise, freak people out, and be rewarded with candy? This year, you may want to avoid making mischief. On October 31, Mercury goes retrograde in your own sign. Prepare yourself for face-palm moments through November 20 and don’t forget the incredible power of apologizing. It may not be easy, but a simple “I’m sorry” can really go a long way. You’ve got this!

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