Your Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for June

Add these dates to your GCal:

June 10: New Moon/solar eclipse in Gemini
June 14:
Saturn square Uranus
June 20:
Sun enters Cancer
June 22:
Mercury Direct
June 24:
Full Moon in Capricorn

Hello, Scorpio darling! Welcome to June! We’re halfway through 2021, but things are finally starting to heat up. On June 10, a powerful solar eclipse in Gemini will send shockwaves across the cosmos, striking the area of your chart associated with work, routines, and daily habits. How do you spend your time, Scorpio darling? How do you keep yourself busy? But this isn’t just about calendar management, it’s also emotional. Simply put, this solar eclipse is inviting you to take a good, hard look at how your actions align with your feelings. If you’ve been moving through life totally disconnected from your gestures, this is an excellent time to consider necessary adjustments. The unknown can be uncomfortable, but you’re an elusive Scorpio—transformation is your middle name!

Next up, on June 14, stern Saturn in Aquarius aligns with revolutionary Uranus in Taurus, forming a powerful alignment known as a “square" and activating the areas of your chart associated with family and relationships. Is it possible to have passion and stability? Absolutely, Scorpio darling! Under this sky, consider ways your past (both good and bad experiences) can inform your closest bonds. What does it mean for you to cultivate solid, meaningful, and long-lasting romantic connections without recreating painful, toxic cycles? This takes hard work and commitment, but trust that at the end of the day, it will be worth the effort. What’s more, there’s still one more Saturn-Uranus alignment in this series, occurring on December 24. In other words, you don’t need to have everything figured out just yet, so focus more on the broad strokes than the fine details. There’s plenty of time to fill in the gaps!

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Then, on June 20, the Sun drifts into Cancer, a like-minded water sign, marking the longest day of the year and summer solstice. Cancer activates the area of your chart associated with travel, exploration, and philosophy, so don’t be surprised if your well-deserved wanderlust comes in full-steam ahead. It may not be that easy to jet-set, however, so perhaps this calls for an adventure in your own backyard. Over the next few weeks, make a point to discover exciting new things about your neighborhood, get lost in a captivating book, or follow your passions by enrolling in a new online course. Right now, focus on expanding your world, recognizing that the potential for growth is truly limitless. Plus, Mercury Retrograde ends on June 22, which will make all things transportation a whole lot easier to manage. How fabulous!

Finally, the month ends with a Full Moon in Capricorn on June 24, activating the areas of your chart associated with local community and global affairs, respectively. Full Moons are celestial flashlights that shine light on everything, exposing whatever is usually obscured by shadow. So, if you’ve been having a hard time dealing with certain interpersonal dynamics, you may find those issues coming to a head during this lunation. Remember, conflict doesn’t necessarily mean collapse—sometimes the most fulfilling relationships are those that challenge us to take accountability for our truth. When in doubt, remember to slow down: Sometimes heightened emotions cause us to say hurtful things, so if you feel like your sensitivities are fueling the dialogue, it’s okay to call for a time out. Compassion is key!

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