Your Scorpio Monthly Horoscope For June

Put these dates in your GCal:
June 5: Look inside yourself.
June 20: Follow your wanderlust without leaving home.
June 30: Ask for what you want.
Sure, you’re mysterious and—fine—you’ll admit that every so often you can be just a wee bit manipulative. But you’re honest, loyal, and dedicated: When you make a promise, you’ll always keep your word. Unfortunately, you’re beginning to find out that not everyone abides by the same code of ethics. Wait just a minute Scorpio—before you start judging others’ duality, when was the last time you considered your own internal push-and-pull?
On June 5, a powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse kicks off a brand new eclipse series on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. For you, this is monumental: Through November 2021, you’ll be coming face-to-face with your multidimensionality. Fundamentally, these eclipses will invite you to shift your perspective, focusing not just the parts of you that you’ve “figured out,” but those that are messy and unfinished. Remember: It is only through darkness that we can see the stars. You’re not magic in spite of your complexities—you’re magic because of them!
Prepare for major breakthroughs the first few weeks of June, but then don’t be surprised if everything comes to a crashing halt on June 18 when everyone’s favorite messenger planet pulls the breaks, and then begins cruising in reverse. That’s right: Mercury Retrograde is back. For the second time in 2020, Mercury Retrograde is making everything a bit dicey. Expect technology meltdowns, contractual delays, and miscommunications, so yes, Mercury Retrograde can be a bit of a buzzkill. But don’t get too caught up in the chaos: This cosmic about-face isn’t a curse; it’s just a headache. So grab some ibuprofen and remember to breathe: This too shall pass.
On June 20, the Sun drifts into watery Cancer (marking summer solstice), and you’re ready to jet. This year, however, you may not be able to hop on a plane, so you’ll need to satiate that wanderlust in your backyard. Whether you discover new, exciting things about your neighborhood or get lost in an enchanting book, Cancer Season will encourage you to follow your passions. This is amplified on June 21, during a New Moon Solar Eclipse. What’s changed in your life since the Cancer-Capricorn eclipse began in July 2018? Whether you’ve navigated some epic adventures, started a new career path, or went back to school, the past two years have been defined by major transformation. You’re expanding your world, and even under the current conditions, you realize that the possibilities are truly limitless. You’re just getting started!
Finally, Venus Retrograde concludes on June 25 and, a few days later on June 30, Jupiter and Pluto connect in Capricorn. Big news, Scorpio! Your passive-aggressive days are officially coming to an end, Scorpio! Thanks to the Jupiter and Pluto bond, you’re learning how to be straightforward with your desires—how extraordinary! Over the past few months, you’ve learned that the universe performs best when you feed it clear, direct instructions. When you say exactly what you want, you get exactly what you want! My darling Scorpio, this is indeed the backbone of any manifestation practice! But if you still feel like you have a long way to go, don’t worry: Jupiter and Pluto will also connect once more this year (on November 12), so you have a few more months to master this call. Practice makes perfect!
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