Your Scorpio Season 2023 Career and Money Horoscope Is Here
Scorpio Season 2023 Career and Money Horoscope
Welcome to Scorpio season, a time of the year when we dive deeply into the things we’ve been avoiding, and what better time for us to discuss our finances? Magic and mystery are swirling in the air, which could indicate windfalls of cash, combining forces and resources with another, or ending cycles that no longer work or support your long-term goals. During Scorpio season, we will have many transits that allow us to realign with our ultimate goals and bring in the resources we need to make them a reality. Scorpio season takes place from October 23, 2023, to November 22, 2023, giving you an opportunity to connect with the darkest parts of your heart. Now's the time to connect with your true desire in life and figure out how to make that all a reality.
The full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28, 2023, will help you release old habits, debts, outdated patterns, and the grip that your comfort zone has on you regarding money. Taurus is the natural ruler of the second house of finances, material possessions, and stability, so these themes will be present during the eclipse. When November arrives, Saturn (the planet of karma and discipline) stations direct in dreamy Pisces, ending its months-long retrograde period. Letting go of trying to control everything and, instead, going with the flow will bring you more monetary blessings. A few days later, Venus, the planet of money, beauty, and love, enters Libra and highlights an opportunity for us to collaborate or partner with new brands or jobs to get the financial gains we desire.
As Scorpio season winds down, Mercury, the planet of communication and networking, enters charismatic and curious Sagittarius on November 10, 2023, allowing us to charm the right people and create our own path forward. When the new moon in Scorpio arrives on November 13, 2023, we may find that when we listen to our inner voice and follow the things that make us feel most passionately, we end up with the financial outcome we desire. Listen to your heart above all else during this lunation. Scorpio season is a great time to rely on others or ask for support, so don't be afraid to utilize your connections.
Keep reading to see what you can expect in your finances and career during Scorpio season. Read for both your sun and rising sign for the most accurate message.
Aries (March 20-April 19)
When Venus, the planet of money and beauty, enters your seventh house of partnerships on November 8, 2023, you might feel called to start a project with someone else or start working with a brand you admire. It's essential for you to only say "yes" to opportunities that feel reciprocal and fulfilling. Stay away from the fluff or anything presented to you that's too good to be true. Trust your gut, and all the financial opportunities meant for you will start aligning. Sometimes, patience is the only way to end up in the same place at the same time as your deepest desires.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You will watch as your money starts to stack up this month and sets you free from old patterns of debt, loss, and disparity. Any of the ways that you used to struggle with money will be brought to light around the new moon in Scorpio on November 13, 2023, giving you a chance to take accountability and change your ways. Look at the people you keep closest to you, the ones you talk with the most and get the most input from. You deserve to have a good relationship with your finances, but that takes building a strong and stable foundation to build upon. Build it now so you can enjoy it for many years to come.
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Gemini (May 21-June 20)
If you've been flippant with your cash lately, this month will ask you to cut back on excessive spending and take fewer risks that don't bring you any rewards. It's one thing to trust in the process, but it's another to build up a sense of trust within yourself when it comes to money. Trust that you won't swipe your card whenever you're bored, and trust that you will strike when the iron is hot when a suitable opportunity arises. You don't have to make everything outside your control come to life. Let yourself work with the flow rather than trying to control the flow.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Great news! Thanks to your well-planned and calculated moves, your finances are about to improve this month. Some changes in your job could lead to a raise, promotion, or even a new opportunity. When Mercury enters fiery Sagittarius on November 10, 2023, you will have a chance to show your confidence in your skills, and that self-assurance will lead to greater financial rewards. Expect these changes at work to trickle over into your home life–and prepare to make some shifts to accommodate your new level of success. You have worked hard to get where you are, and it's time to reap the benefits you deserve.
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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
You are having an upgrade in your career and finances during Scorpio season, whether you feel ready or not. When the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus arrives on October 28, 2023, and lights up your tenth house of career and reputation, others will start to notice who you are and what you bring to the table in a more clearly defined way. No longer will you have to prove yourself to others. This is the season where your presence starts to speak for itself. Enjoy the praise and attention, Leo. You deserve it. And most importantly, keep doing exactly what you're doing so you can continue to enjoy all this abundance.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
This season is all about letting go of fear and doubt about how you want to show up in the world and allowing yourself to be led by intuition. Virgo, you may have felt a shift recently around what you do for work and how you earn your money, and when Saturn stations direct in Pisces on November 4, 2023, and lands in your seventh house of partnerships and long-term commitments, you might find the clarity you've been looking for. Now is the time to shift directions and course-correct as needed. Put yourself out there for what you want, and give all your attention to this pursuit. The stars can never misguide your heart, even if you feel uncertain at times.
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Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22)
When your ruling planet, Venus, enters your sign and lights up your first house of confidence and identity on November 8, 2023, you will start to see how worthy and deserving you are of the life you want. If you're getting less recognition or payment than you deserve, conversations are bound to come up. You may find this uncomfortable, but it will be worthwhile in the end. Fighting for something not aligned with your life plan leads to struggle. Stick to your boundaries and communicate clearly and directly. You deserve to get paid top dollar, my harmonious loves.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
With the sun in your first house of self and identity, you will feel lit up and aligned this season, allowing you to do your best work. Money may have been a point of contention in recent years, fluctuating up and down without a real rhyme or reason. However, this season will be the first time you feel like you "get it" in a while. You must flow with money for money to flow to you, and if that means buckling down and getting serious about making it, so be it. Your identity and reputation need a boost for people to see the great work you put into the world. Don't be afraid to share your talents more boldly with the masses now.
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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
With Mercury, the planet of networking and communication, landing in your first house of self and confidence on November 10, 2023, you will start conversations with the right people at just the right time during Scorpio season. This will be an opportunity for you to step outside the box and finally share what you want to do to make your money. You are not required to stay the course for something you no longer feel passionate about. This season is all about lighting your heart ablaze, and no matter what the obstacles or requirements are, let yourself go towards what you truly want to make the money you deserve. Making money and doing what you love can co-exist for you.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
This month will show you how important it is to bet on yourself, Capricorn. Instead of being at the beck and call of someone that you do not respect, Scorpio season will show you why you are the boss of the zodiac and give you a chance to take more authority over your life and finances. Instead of waiting to get paid by someone cutting corners, why not invest in yourself and the life you desire? This Scorpio season is a chance to connect with your inner creative and find new ways to show off your natural skills and talents. It might push you outside your comfort zone, but the returns will be worth the risk.
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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
When the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus arrives on October 28, 2023, you will start to see how important it is to be surrounded by inspirational people. If your social circle operates with a lack mentality, pessimism, or downright judgment towards you and your financial goals, now will be the time to remove yourself from their presence for a while and get back in touch with yourself. It's okay to dream big; you're more likely to bring those dreams to life when you're not sifting through negativity. Scorpio season will show you how to get your life and finances to life simply by having some alone time or reassessing your close circle.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
When Saturn, the planet of karma and discipline, stations direct in your sign and lands in your first house of self-expression, you will start to notice how constricted and tired you were the last few months. It's hard to make money moves when you don't have any motivation, Pisces. Give yourself grace and pick yourself up. You don't need to sulk any longer about the state of your bank account. Instead, Scorpio season will give you an opportunity to reinvent yourself and start raking in cash in a brand new way as you start to feel passionate and driven again.
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