Senior Citizens Council next Senior Trip to Tarrytown

PLATTSBURGH — Local seniors can get away on Sept. 27 to 30 on another sights-filled excursion sponsored by the Senior Citizens Council of Clinton County.

The itinerary includes Lyndhurst, one of the nation’s finest Gothic Revival mansions designed by Alexander Jackson Davis; Washington Irving’s Sunnyside, owned by Historic Hudson Valley and featuring guides in formal period dress; Kykuit Rockefeller Estate, home to four generations beginning with philanthropist and Standard Oil founder, John D. Rockefeller; and the Motorcylepedia Museum, which features more than 650 motorcycles manufactured between 1901-1953 and amassed by father-son collectors, Gerald and Ted Doering.

“This trip, we are going to lodge in Tarrytown and do the sights,” Angela Hahn, deputy director, said.

“We’re going to see Lyndhurst. It overlooks the Hudson River. It has beautiful grounds and a collection of original and decorative arts. Washington Irving is the famous author of the Headless Horseman. So this was his restored home, filled with his possessions, books, desks and guides. This is more reflective of a romantic view of art, nature and history. It’s a Dutch farmer’s house.

Kykuit Rockefeller Estate is now on the National Trust for Historic Preservation. It’s a landmark. The Motorcylepedia Museum, I have been there before. It’s 85,000 square feet. A lot of people think ‘Well, motorcycles aren’t for me,’ but it is very, very very interesting. Brilliantly done. They even have motorcycles from movies.”

The tour highlight is a Johnny Mathis concert with orchestra seating at the Palace Theatre in Stamford, Conn.

This tour includes coach transportation, lodging three nights at the Westchester Marriott in Tarrytown, three hot buffet breakfasts, luggage handling, three dinners (Marriott Hotel, Blackstone’s Steakhouse, Tramonto Restaurant), and tickets to the Mathis concert, plus admission to all sites.

Hahn built the tour around the concert, which coincides with the legend’s birthday. Mathis is famous for being the third best-selling recording artist in the 20th century, selling 360 million records worldwide. His discography includes pop, Latin American, soul, rhythm & blues, show tunes, Tin Pan Alley, soft rock, blues, and country.

“It’s four days and three nights and includes everything except lunches,” Hahn said.

“Double occupancy is $1,189 per person. It’s a Friday through a Monday. So, it’s like a long weekend trip.”

A deposit of $450 is required to secure seating. Final payment is due by August 29. For more information, contact Angela Hahn at 518-563-6180 or email: [email protected]