What September's Full Moon in Aries Means for Your Sign
On Friday, September 29, 2023, at 5:58 a.m. ET, the super full Harvest Moon reaches its peak in the sign of Aries, creating space for a reflective moment.
Every month, la luna completes her journey from the new moon to the full moon and back again, taking approximately 28 days. Each lunar phase has its unique energy, with the new and full moons being the most powerful and transformative. Tuning into the essence of each lunar phase can help you access the universe's wisdom and synchronize your life with the stars. This month, the full moon occurs in the sign of Aries, a passionate and lively sign that embraces life's challenges. This full moon is also the final supermoon of the year, so get ready to feel the heat! You may have settled for less than you deserved in the past, but now you're discovering new ways to balance responsibility and pleasure.
The full moon in Aries could get personal, so don't be surprised if you shed a few angry tears. Over the next few days, this transit will bring up old insecurities and force you to confront the narrative holding you back. Sometimes, the only way to move forward is through the pain. Libra season is a chance to tip the cosmic scales in your favor. This is also the last new or full moon until the upcoming eclipses on October 14 and October 29, 2023, which will turn up the heat. The full moon in Aries shows that you don't have to let your past define you. Use this celestial aha moment to return to your soul's sacred magic.
Keep reading to see what the full moon in Aries has in store for your zodiac sign, plus tips for healing your heart under this fiery lunation.
The Spiritual Meaning of the Full Moon in Astrology
Full moons are cycles of reflection, release, and rebirth. They mark the peak of the lunar cycle and are known to bring out intense emotions. It occurs when the sun and moon are in opposing zodiac signs, causing the moon to appear at its biggest and brightest. This amplifies the spiritual effects of the moon and enables one to feel its impact more strongly. Depending on the zodiac signs involved, the energy of the moon will express itself differently. In astrology, the sun represents your heart and ego, while the moon signifies the core of your being. When these two celestial bodies are in opposite zodiac signs, it's a chance to reflect on the present situation and sit with the shifting seasons of life.
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What to Expect From September's Full Moon in Aries
Full moons offer a chance to symbolically release things that no longer suit you. And Aries' independent spirit amplifies these traits. You're moving forward in a new direction. And this full moon has a few key aspects that you'll want to keep an eye on. This full moon will take place alongside the North Node and Chiron, both sitting in Aries. These heavenly bodies represent your destiny and your deepest fears, both of which you've been dealing with since the Aries new moon on March 21, 2023. You're being rewarded for all the hard work and hustling you've done to figure things out. Strength and self-reliance have served you well. Now, change is on the horizon because you did the work.
This full moon will feel like you're being pushed in the right direction, and the upcoming eclipses on October 14 and October 29, 2023, will give you the final push you need to follow through. You're embracing your soul's desire to seek independence and releasing other's expectations of you in the process. However, things could get dark or emotional thanks to Mars forming a conjunction with the South Node. Past drama could cause you to speak out of turn or burn a bridge you didn't mean to. Plus, with Venus forming a tight connection to Lilith, it might feel better to get your revenge than it's worth in the long run. Sometimes, the best karma is moving on with your life for good.
Finally, the full moon occurs while Mercury, the planet of communication, opposes Neptune, the planet of illusions and dreams. This creates a situation where there is a disconnect between what is real and what you perceive to be true. During this transit, it's possible that you may feel a little unfocused or disconnected. Normally, Aries energy is all about taking action and being proactive. However, it's recommended that you slow down and avoid making decisions impulsively based on emotion. The best course of action is to write down your thoughts in your journal and reflect on them after the full moon.
What Does the Aries Full Moon Mean for Each Zodiac Sign?
The cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) will feel the full moon in Aries the most directly. With most of the planets in the sky, including the sun and moon, in cardinal signs during this lunation, it's time to openly and directly express your feelings. It's important to take the time to unpack your thoughts and emotions and come to a resolution or decision that feels right for you. Allow yourself space to process your emotions and take care of your physical and mental well-being. Remember that this is a time of growth and change, and with it comes the potential for great personal transformation.
Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will deal with the drama of Venus and Lilith joining Leo during the full moon. Lilith is a placement that forces us to confront our dark side, meaning this full moon might put you in an uncomfortable situation with a lover or romantic partner. During this time, your insecurities can manifest as projections onto your partner or an obsession with your flaws. You may become aware of a sense of envy towards someone you look up to. This can be an opportunity to reflect on these feelings and explore the underlying reasons for your insecurities. By doing so, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and work towards overcoming these toxic patterns.
Finally, mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) should watch what they say, and who they say it to, thanks to Mercury in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces. Things will feel confusing and otherwordly during this new moon, which could cause your frustrations to boil over. The fiery energy of Aries might have you reacting more negatively when things go wrong. It's easy to see the worst in others when you're mad. However, you're more likely to learn something important if you sit back and try to see the situation objectively. Doing so will help you gain a deeper understanding of the situation and any underlying issues that may exist.
UP NEXT: What Your Moon Sign Says About Your Personality, Love Life, and More.