The Sky Today, October 4, 2021
At 2:19 a.m.: The moon is trine Uranus
In the predawn hours, the Virgo moon forms a trine to Uranus in Taurus, generating excitement for the new and novel. This aspect clues us in to methods of being more efficient with our time and energy. Some of us will still be asleep when this aspect perfects, and we may receive important insights through our dreams. If awake, we can find ourselves interacting with new people or being exposed to information that convinces us to modify a long-standing approach to familiar problems. Now is the time to change our game plan, attempt innovative solutions, and see what comes from a willingness to stretch outside our comfort zone.
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At 2:48 p.m.: The moon is opposite Neptune
In the midafternoon, the moon opposes Neptune in Pisces, making us extra sensitive while simultaneously clouding our judgment. We may read too much into others’ behavior, believing we are being taken advantage of only to later find out that we’ve unfairly projected our anxieties onto others. Conversely, misreading another’s character can leave us vulnerable to being deceived because we are expecting shady business from the wrong culprit! This aspect would be better spent letting our imagination run wild in less critical scenarios, such as in creating art or becoming engrossed in literary or film fantasy.
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