Snack Pack Pudding Now Comes In A Unicorn Flavor
While we're here sitting at our desks, a bunch of very lucky and Instagram-savvy people are over in Chicago right now at the 2018 Sweets & Snacks Expo, @TheJunkFoodAisle among them.
It was from there that the news "unicorn magic"-flavored Snack Packs will exist in this world broke, and what welcome news that is.
The caption specifies there were "no details on its release just yet." A quick sweep of the Snack Pack site confirms it's definitely not available at this time (though tapioca and banana cream pie are ... Who knew??).
There's also no way to know for sure what flavor "unicorn magic" executed with "star dust" actually is, but it has to be in the realm of cotton candy/blue raspberry/whatever-the-fuck-Unicorn-frapps-were goodness, no?
But wait - there's more! The packaging also features a hashtag (#YasssUnicorn) as well as the promise of unicorn tats within. #YasssUnicorn! Unicorn tats!
So ... yeah! I'll be here refreshing if anyone needs me.
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