Find Something Cuter Than These Teacup Dogs — We Dare You
Teacup dogs are the tiniest of dog breeds. But you may be surprised to learn that “teacup” is not an officially recognized term. The American Kennel Club (AKC) explains that the “toy” group are the smallest dogs in the AKC, and they do not register or endorse teacup breeds. Unofficially, however, the website K9 of Mine notes that teacup breeds are those dogs who measure 17 inches or smaller and weigh four pounds or less when fully grown.
Many breeders will mate “runts,” or the smallest dog in a litter, in an attempt to create even more tiny dogs. These runts are marketed as “teacup dogs” and can sell for thousands of dollars. Animal Planet explains that because of this, teacups are often a pound or more under the AKC approved weight for their breed. These breeding practices may also lead teacup dogs to develop more health problems than standard or toy dogs of the same breed. Because of this, it’s important to have a teacup dog checked by an independent veterinarian before bringing it home.
If you have your heart set on a tiny dog, here are some of the cutest teacup dog breeds.
The Brussels griffon is believed to be a crossbreed of a Belgian street dog, a German affenpinscher, a pug, a King Charles spaniel and a ruby spaniel, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). Brussels griffons are highly intelligent and make great companions. Teacup Brussels griffons are bred to be smaller than the breed’s average eight to 10 pounds.
According to the Westminster Kennel Club, the Maltese was originally known as “Ye ancient Dogge of Malta.” As one of the oldest dog breeds in existence, the Maltese has continued to maintain its popularity. The teacup variety is perfect for anyone looking for a tiny lap dog.
Today, Pomeranians weigh between three and seven pounds, but the Westminster Kennel Club explains that Pomeranian ancestors were much larger sledding dogs. Queen Victoria of England helped popularized small Pomeranians.
Recognized in 2008 by the AKC, the Russian Toy is one of the smallest dog breeds in the world, naturally weighing three to six pounds. This tiny pup dates back to the 18th century when it was a popular accessory for Russian aristocracy. In 1958, a Russian Toy with longer hair on its ears was born and became the first in a new line of long haired Russian Toys.
Officially, poodles come in three sizes: standard, miniature, and toy. According to the United Kennel Club (UKC) standard poodles were likely crossbred with the Havanese and Maltese to create miniature and toy poodles. These smaller poodles gained popularity in 17th century France as companion dogs. They came to the United States in the late 19th century, becoming the most popular dog breed in the 1950s. Teacup poodles are actually tinier versions of toy poodles.
Yorkshire terriers were originally known as Scotch terriers until the late 19th century, according to the AKC. Yorkies average about five to seven pounds, but the teacup variety can be as small as three pounds
Chihuahuas are believed to be an ancient dog breed, kept by Aztecs for both religious reasons and for companionship. The UKC explains that they gained popularity in the US in the mid-19th century when visitors to Mexico brought them home as pets. They come in both long and short hair varieties, according to the AKC, and the majority weigh under six pounds, with teacups being even smaller.
Another ancient dog breed, the Japanese chin, dates back to 520 A.D. according to the UKC. It was the lap dog of Japanese nobility. Standard Japanese chins weigh between seven and 11 pounds, with teacups bred to weigh as little as four pounds.
Named for its butterfly shaped ears, the Papillon is believed to have been pure for at least 700 years, according to the UKC. Their coats come in several colors, and the AKC notes that these tiny dogs can thrive in both cool and warmer climates.
Lovingly known as the “monkey dog,” the Affenpinscher dates back to 17th century Europe, according to the UKC. The Westminster Kennel Club explains that the Affenpinscher’s distinct looks led to it being known as Diabolotin Moustachu, or “moustached little devil” in France. Teacup Affenpinschers are bred to be tinier than the average seven and 10 pounds of the breed.
Like the Affenpinscher, Brussels griffon, and Japanese chin, the average Shih Tzu weighs around 10 lbs, but is being bred smaller to appeal to tiny dog lovers. Originally believed to be a crossbreed of the Lhasa Apso and the Pekingese, the Shih Tzu was a lap dog for Chinese emperors, according to the AKC. It is still a favorite lap dog today.
Pugs have been around since before 400 B.C., according to the AKC. This ancient dog originated in China as a pet for the emperor and members of the imperial court. Although standard pugs can weigh up to 18 pounds, some have been bred to be as small as four pounds.
Remember to always have your new teacup pup thoroughly examined by veterinarian, as many of these dogs have underlying health issues.
Find Something Cuter Than These Teacup Dogs — We Dare You
Teacup dogs are the tiniest of dog breeds. But you may be surprised to learn that “teacup” is not an officially recognized term. The American Kennel Club (AKC) explains that the “toy” group are the smallest dogs in the AKC, and they do not register or endorse teacup breeds. Unofficially, however, the website K9 of Mine notes that teacup breeds are those dogs who measure 17 inches or smaller and weigh four pounds or less when fully grown.
Many breeders will mate “runts,” or the smallest dog in a litter, in an attempt to create even more tiny dogs. These runts are marketed as “teacup dogs” and can sell for thousands of dollars. Animal Planet explains that because of this, teacups are often a pound or more under the AKC approved weight for their breed. These breeding practices may also lead teacup dogs to develop more health problems than standard or toy dogs of the same breed. Because of this, it’s important to have a teacup dog checked by an independent veterinarian before bringing it home.
If you have your heart set on a tiny dog, here are some of the cutest teacup dog breeds.
You'll find in love with this roundup of teacup pups.
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