South Park: The Fractured But Whole season pass detailed, three DLCs coming over the next year
The post-release content for South Park: The Fractured But Whole has been announced: season pass holders will be getting three DLC packs through into 2018, continuing the story and superhero parodies far into next year.
The first DLC pack is Danger Deck, "the ultimate combat challenge," posed by Doctor Timothy. In the game, he's a parody of Professor Xavier, and sides with Mysterion, making him (presumably) an enemy. Normally, he's Timmy Burch, one of the regular characters on the show (who mostly just says "Timmy" over and over again). For completing Danger Deck, you'll get "exclusive costumes and artifacts," and it's coming out in December 2017.
In 2018, the second bit of DLC, From Dusk Till Casa Bonita, will release. This is a new story where the player has to work with both The Coon and Mysterion "to defeat a demonic presence at Casa Bonita." Going off the title, it's a direct parody of From Dusk Till Dawn. Without spoiling the film too much: expect vampires. This DLC is coming out in 2018, but the exact date is unconfirmed.
Casa Bonita itself is a location from South Park season 7, and hasn't appeared in the show since. In the episode "Casa Bonita", Cartman is angry that he wasn't invited to the theme park, and so plans to kill Butters. As is the way of life for the South Park kids.
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Finally, Bring The Crunch is also coming out in 2018, but there's few details available on it. It will introduce a new superhero class to the game, and has a new story, but otherwise details are sparse.
The season pass is also a way for people to get the Day One content without purchasing the game on, well, day one. By getting the season pass, you'll get the Relics of Zaron costume and perks pack on 17 October, and Towelie: Your Gaming Bud on 24 October.
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