Springer Spaniel Pushes His Limits with Petting Senior Dog Sibling

He wasn't going to stop trying.

We can't get enough of pet videos because it shows us they truly aren't that different from children. For example, pets love messing with their siblings and that is something we're all too familiar with. And just like rebellious kids, pets love to break the rules.

One of the latest examples of pets acting just like a kid comes from TikTok user @rhinolove5. This Springer Spaniel was sitting on the couch next to his senior doggy sibling. He kept trying to touch his sibling but Mom told him no. That doesn't mean he didn't try and push his luck. Take a look!

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LOL! For some reason, he just didn't want to give it up. Physical touch must be his love language. That's the only explanation we have!

"Bently is like, 'I'm not going to do it, girl! Girl, I did it!'" commented @southernstorm256. See, doesn't that sound just like something a child would say?! This is why we totally believe pets are just like kids. They love pushing buttons! @shoelover99 added, "You can't tell me that dogs don't understand us. If they could talk!" Oh, they 100% can understand us! This Springer Spaniel knew he wasn't supposed to touch the older dog but he didn't want to listen.

Another TikToker, @gillywinks, pointed out, "Bentley has a great poker face but his tail gives him away." LMAO! You know what they say, tails never fails! At least he gave his mom's words some consideration before absolutely deciding he doesn't care what she says. One day he's going to learn though because, by the looks of it, Tilly was about to lose it. LOL!

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