Stopping Ozempic or Wegovy? A Doctor Reveals How to Not Gain the Weight Back

There’s a lot of buzz around the weight loss benefits of Ozempic and Wegovy. But while these medications have proven incredibly effective for weight loss, there are a few downsides — like unpleasant side effects, supply shortages and high costs — that may make you hesitant to commit to taking them for the long term. And a common worry with all weight loss drugs is that the pounds tend to come back after you stop taking them. So you may be wondering how to not gain weight after stopping Ozempic and similar medications. Here’s what you need to know about the Ozempic rebound effect.

How medications like Ozempic and Wegovy work

Drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy mimic a hormone called GLP-1, which plays a key role in digestion and blood sugar control. “GLP-1 is released by cells in the gut in response to food, so it stimulates insulin secretion and inhibits glucagon, which stores glucose for later use — often as fat,” says Sulagna Misra, MD, BCMAS, founding physician at Misra Wellness. “It slows down gastric motility, so you feel fuller longer. And it also directly helps regulate appetite.”

Ozempic was originally developed to treat type 2 diabetes, but demand quickly skyrocketed thanks to its side effect of dramatic weight loss. Wegovy contains the same active ingredient, semaglutide, but it’s specifically formulated and FDA-approved for weight loss.

How fast after Ozempic do you gain back weight? 

According to a study in Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism, people who took 2.4mg of semaglutide (the maximum dosage of Wegovy) lost up to 20% of their body weight after 68 weeks. For a 150-pound woman, that’s around 30 pounds. But a year after stopping the medication, participants regained around two-thirds of the weight.

“When you stop taking semaglutide, the levels of GLP-1 in the system drop,” Dr. Misra explains. This can cause your appetite to return with a vengeance. If you haven’t established healthy eating habits or a consistent workout routine to support weight management, there’s a good chance the pounds will creep back on.

How to not gain weight after stopping Ozempic

closeup of woman eating salad to avoid gaining weight after stopping Ozempic
Kseniya Ovchinnikova/Getty

A few simple lifestyle interventions can help you avoid weight gain after stopping Ozempic or another semaglutide. Try these expert-backed tips for weight loss maintenance. 

1. Overhaul your eating habits before stopping Ozempic

Semaglutide helps to tamp down your appetite, which can make it easier to curb cravings and kick the habit of reaching for high-calorie processed foods when you’re hungry.

“Without building the muscle memory and eating ‘cleaner’ during treatment — along with doing the work required to figure out why the weight was gained in the first place — old habits will re-form, and the weight will come back on,” Dr. Misra says.

Her advice? Start eating healthier before stopping the medication to avoid regaining weight.

2. Take a brisk walk outdoors daily 

Exercise is a key part of any weight loss plan, but it can be particularly helpful for maintaining a healthy weight after stopping Ozempic. A study in the journal eClinicalMedicine found that people who exercised while taking liraglutide (another medication that mimics GLP-1) kept the weight off more effectively after stopping the medication than those who didn’t.

Also smart? Stroll outdoors when you can. Fifteen minutes of sun exposure ramps up production of vitamin D. This is important, because around 20% of people have a moderate vitamin D deficiency. (This is likely due to consumption of highly-processed foods, Dr. Misra says.) 

According to a study in Frontiers in Nutrition, when you’re low in vitamin D, your brain responds by boosting appetite and reducing your calorie burn — both of which can contribute to weight regain.

3. Have eggs and whole-grain toast for breakfast

Ozempic and Wegovy work by mimicking the effects of GLP-1, but some nutrients can have a similar effect by helping to trigger your body’s natural release of GLP-1. “Certain healthy fats and food rich with fiber can assist GLP-1 activity and weight loss,” Dr. Misra says.

According to research in Nutrition & Metabolism, eggs and high-fiber grain products are among the most effective foods for promoting GLP-1 secretion, which can help with maintaining weight loss. Bump up the benefits by adding a smear of almond butter or a few slices of avocado to your toast — nuts and avocados are also on the list of GLP-1-boosting foods.

4. Sip green tea

closeup of woman's hands holding a cup of green tea, which can help you not gain weight after stopping Ozempic
Yasin Ozturk/Getty

If your appetite comes back in full force after stopping Ozempic, regularly enjoying green tea may help. Semaglutide delays gastric emptying, which helps you feel fuller longer. But research suggests EGCG, a compound found in green tea, can also slow gastric emptying to help you curb cravings and lose weight.

5. Keep your doctor in the loop before stopping Ozempic

Weight loss medications should always be taken with medical supervision, and that includes talking to your doctor before you stop taking them. Your doctor can offer the most up-to-date guidance on how to avoid gaining weight after you stop Ozempic or Wegovy. 

“Studies are being done to see how to successfully titrate patients off the medication, and what maintenance of weight loss looks like,” Dr. Misra says. “Each of my patients have a different maintenance routine!”

Keep reading for more ways to maximize your weight loss journey: 

Dietitians Reveal the 3 Types of Foods You Should Avoid While on Semaglutide to Speed Weight Loss 

Can’t Lose Weight on Semaglutide? Poor Sleep May Be Sabotaging Your Efforts — Here’s What Can Help

These Natural Alternatives to Ozempic Help You Lose Weight Without an Rx

This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your physician before pursuing any treatment plan.