I'm a professional organizer, and I love a good junk drawer
Here’s why I think every home deserves a well-loved junk drawer—and why it’s actually an important part of staying organized.
As a professional organizer, I know the joy of a well-organized space. Opening my alphabetized spice drawer makes me smile when cooking, and my intentionally organized closet keeps me sane when getting dressed in the morning.But here’s my dirty little secret: I truly believe in the beauty of a junk drawer.
Yep, that drawer that’s just a little messy, filled with odds and ends you can’t quite categorize. Rather than seeing it as clutter, I see it as a small treasure trove of life’s little necessities, a spot that holds things together in the most unexpected ways.
Here’s why I think every home deserves a well-loved junk drawer—and why it’s actually an important part of staying organized.
The junk drawer holds life’s little “just in case” items
Think of all those tiny, useful items that you don’t need every day but want close by: the spare batteries, the extra key, the rubber band you’ll eventually need. A junk drawer is the perfect spot for those “just in case” items.
When life surprises you with a small, specific need, this drawer is the one-stop shop that probably has exactly what you’re looking for.
It’s a gentle reminder that not everything has to be perfect
We live in a world that loves picture-perfect spaces, but let’s be honest—life doesn’t always fit neatly into labeled bins. The junk drawer gives you a little freedom to let go of perfection.
It’s okay if some things just don’t fit a category. There’s beauty in a space that’s allowed to be a little wild, a little imperfect. Having that one drawer to embrace a bit of mess can actually make your home feel cozier and more real.
It cuts down on “where did I put that?” moments
A well-maintained junk drawer actually helps cut down on those annoying moments when you’re desperately searching for something you know you have but can’t find. You know, those random but important items?
The beauty of the junk drawer is that, even though it’s a catch-all, you know exactly where to look for the most random of things. No more rummaging through 5 different drawers looking for a loose thumbtack—you know exactly where it is.
A place for organized (enough) chaos
Now, don’t get me wrong. A great junk drawer isn’t a total free-for-all. I’m not suggesting you turn your junk drawer into a disaster zone that is stuffed so full you can barely open it.
Giving it a little attention now and then will keep it useful, while still embracing that “catch-all” charm. Once or twice a year, a quick clean-out helps make sure it’s filled with useful, intentional items rather than true junk. Toss the takeout menus for the restaurants you don’t go to and the rubber bands that have lost their stretch.
You don’t have to organize everything in bins or dividers, but you will be amazed at how far a little organization can take you.
My love letter to the junk drawer
If you’ve ever felt a little guilty about your junk drawer, I hope this lets you feel a bit better. There’s a reason it exists; it’s not clutter, but rather a practical, heartfelt space that supports the natural flow of daily life. It’s the little helper in your home that never judges, holding onto life’s small treasures and surprises.
So here’s to the junk drawer: a small but mighty reminder that life is perfectly fine with a touch of organized chaos. Embrace its effortless way of bringing a little more ease to your home.
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