Subway franchise owner 'regrets' striking woman's cell phone in viral video

Tina Richardson claims this Subway franchise owner hit her cell phone and her head during an incident after she complained about an incorrect order. (Photo: Facebook)
Tina Richardson claims this Subway franchise owner hit her cell phone and her head during an incident after she complained about an incorrect order. (Photo: Facebook)

A woman from North Carolina shared a shocking video on Facebook of a Subway franchise owner striking her cell phone after she claims she returned to the sandwich shop to complain about an incorrect order.

Tina Richardson told WSOC that she purchased a sandwich for a woman she takes care of from the Concord Subway shop, but when she returned home to look at the meal, she realized it’s not what she ordered.

Upon returning to the Subway where she allegedly purchased the sandwich, she expected to receive a refund or a store credit. Instead, she claims the franchise owner hit her head, threw her sandwich to the floor and then struck her cell phone, which she captured and shared on Facebook.

After charging towards the customer, the franchise owner can be seen returning to a back room while cursing and holding up his middle finger. A female employee returns to the front of the store, swears at her and tells her to leave.

Richardson shows the sandwich on the floor, which appears to have shredded meat, and a leaflet of the sandwich she ordered, which has chicken strips.

“He doesn’t get to treat anybody like that and that they get somebody into Subway to treat people with respect and fix problems when you’re wrong. That’s what you’re supposed to do,” Richardson told WSOC. She told the outlet that she does plan to file charges against the owner.

In a statement provided to Fox News, Subway said, “Providing an excellent guest experience is important to us and our expectation is that everyone is treated with respect. The local team has reached out to the guest to apologize on behalf of the restaurant as this incident is inconsistent with the high standards Subway? restaurants requires of its Franchise Owners. The Franchise Owner expressed his regrets for how he handled the situation.”

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