Sun Opposite Pluto Horoscope 2024: What’s in Store for Your Zodiac Sign According to an Astrologer
In the very heart of the blazing summertime, the sun slips into its home sign of dynamic fixed fire sign Leo, known for its take charge, charismatic, self-expressive and self-focused approach to life. And this year, as soon as that happens, the sun will oppose Pluto, the planet that happens to be the furthest from our brightest star, currently retrograde in fixed air sign Aquarius, which is rational, unconventional, science-minded and contrarian. During sun opposite Pluto, when the luminary that oversees self-image sits across from the planet of power, control and rebirth, you could be faced with emotional crises, jealousy and possessiveness — but also the opportunity to embrace positive transformation.
In astrology, an opposition is when two planets — or, in this case, a luminary (the sun or moon) — sit directly across from one another in opposing signs. These transits highlight opposing ideas, forces and often, relationships, although opposite signs also function as two sides of the same coin. It also bears noting that oppositions happen in signs that share the same (cardinal, fixed or mutable) but fall under different elements (fire, earth, air and water).
In the case of Sun opposite Pluto, the sun will be sitting at 0 degrees of Leo while opposing Pluto, moving retrograde and hanging out at 0 degrees of Aquarius. Here, all you need to know about this impactful astrological event so you can make the most of it.
What is Sun opposite Pluto 2024?
After moving into Leo on Monday, July 22, the confident, vitality-bringing sun launches a whole new season that can support your ability to nurture your confidence, stand more strongly in your sense of self and express yourself through creative outlets and in your most heartfelt relationships. And not even 24 hours after the sun moves into Leo, it’ll encounter its first major planetary clash with Pluto, the planet of regeneration, which oversees transformation, power, control and the desire to find deeper meaning underlying the surface. Pluto has been in Leo’s opposite sign, Aquarius since January 20, and is currently backing up through the earliest degrees of the sign since it kicked off its annual retrograde on May 2.
When the brightest star in our solar system opposes intense Pluto, you’ll be required to go inward to confront uncomfortable emotions and behaviors like possessiveness, control, manipulation, jealousy, self-destructiveness and anything else that’s been bubbling beneath the surface of your consciousness. Because oppositions tend to throw a spotlight on relationships, you could become more conscious of dynamics within a one-on-one bond that are toxic and require addressing head-on. It sounds challenging because, well, it very may well be, but the silver lining is that Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth’s goal is to burn down whatever is no longer serving you so that you can build something new.
It also bears noting that because this opposition is occurring in two of the four fixed signs (the others are Taurus and Scorpio, which also sit opposite one another), you could struggle with obstinacy and black-and-white perspectives more than usual as a result of this opposition. When Leo and Aquarius key into a game plan or way of thinking, it can be tough to sway either. Adaptability is not exactly either sign’s forte, and of course, failing to pivot or adopt an open-minded point of view can result in getting utterly stuck.
The best way to move forward? Do your best to lean into both signs’ best traits: Leo’s action-oriented optimism and Aquarius’ ability to build platonic bonds and be a team player.
When is Sun opposite Pluto 2024?
The sun will oppose Pluto on Tuesday, July 23 at 1:38 a.m. ET/Monday, July 22 at 10:38 p.m. PT. But it’s possible you’ll feel the effect of this annual event for a week before and after its exact opposition.
What Sun opposite Pluto 2024 means for you, based on your sign
Here, how Mars square Pluto 2024 will affect you based on your sign. (Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign if you know it. If you don’t, you can find it in your birth chart or by using this CafeAstrology calculator.)
What Sun opposite Pluto 2024 means for Aries
The confident sun in your self-expression and romance zone opposes powerful Pluto in your networking zone, which could shed light on challenging dynamics with someone special, a loved one or even a group you’ve been associating with. You could feel torn between owning your own voice and passions and showing up for colleagues or friends who might be behaving in a way that’s power-hungry or controlling now. If you’re torn on how to best proceed, your north star should be whatever path allows you the most room to explore pure creativity and move toward joyfulness.
Click through for more on Aries.
What Sun opposite Pluto 2024 means for Taurus
Just after slipping into your home zone, where it’ll be throwing a spotlight on your nearest and dearest bonds with loved ones, the sun will connect with transformative Pluto in your career zone, amplifying tensions and highlighting underlying dynamics that exist between your home and work lives. You could become more acutely aware of ways in which higher-ups or authority figures have been exerting control and causing stress that’s affecting your emotional well-being or inner life. Simply becoming more aware of issues like this can empower you to begin to move in a healthier, happier direction.
Click through for more on Taurus.
What Sun opposite Pluto 2024 means for Gemini
The confident sun moves into your communication sector where it quickly forms its opposition to powerful Pluto in your adventure sector, pitting your desire to learn and connect with others against your gut impulses. You might want to dive into a class, brainstorm or ambitious project with friends or colleagues, but your philosophies aren’t exactly aligned or you’re feeling like the power dynamic is off somehow. Your beliefs are being challenged now, and it’s affecting how you’re interacting with others. Sounds daunting, to be sure, but embracing change in this area of your life can actually lead to personal growth.
Click through for more on Gemini.
What Sun opposite Pluto 2024 means for Cancer
As the vitality-bringing sun begins its trip through your money zone, it’ll form a disharmonious opposition to regenerative Pluto in your emotional bonds sector, underlying any discomfort that’s been underlying your moneymaking endeavors and closest relationships, as well as the intersection of these two parts of your life. You could become more conscious of jealousy, possessiveness or control issues within your most intimate bonds or regarding a shared financial goal. The best way forward: Do your best to see where the moment leads while staying in tune with your values and needs.
Click through for more on Cancer.
What Sun opposite Pluto 2024 means for Leo
Just after the vitality-bringing sun moves into your sign, which it rules, it’ll oppose Pluto in your partnership zone, which brings difficulties in one-on-one relationships into focus. If someone hasn’t been showing up for you in the way you need them to emotionally or you’ve been falling short yourself, it’ll be tougher now to deny that there’s work that needs to be done. And that work could very well be setting boundaries or cutting ties entirely, for the sake of your self-image and well-being. This is a highly psychological transit, so the most productive way to manage it is by diving into self-work and allowing your inner voice to have its say.
Click through for more on Leo.
What Sun opposite Pluto 2024 means for Virgo
The sun will have just entered your spirituality zone when it forms its opposition to powerful Pluto in your routine zone, which could stir up eyebrow-raising moments with coworkers or other people you encounter in your day-to-day life. You could find yourself feeling jealous, craving more power or vying for control of situations that you’re usually fine to let roll off your back. Ultimately, this transit is meant to bolster your understanding of underlying emotions and dynamics. Leaning into mind-body wellness practices that have you feeling more centered could be the key to moving through this moment.
Click through for more on Virgo.
What Sun opposite Pluto 2024 means for Libra
The confident sun kicks off its journey through your networking and long-term wishes sector ahead of its opposition to transformative Pluto in your self-expression and romance zone, which could highlight power struggles with friends or loved ones or potentially colleagues with whom you’re working on a creative project. Because you tend to prefer to keep the peace over digging your heels in and exerting control, this energy could feel pretty bizarre to you! Try to see it as an opportunity to own your artistic vision and stay true to the long-term path you’re most excited to pursue. If doing that requires a little bit of self-work and transformation now, go for it!
Click through for more on Libra.
What Sun opposite Pluto 2024 means for Scorpio
The sun will have just moved into your career sector when it sits directly across from your co-ruler, regenerative Pluto in your home zone, creating friction between your professional aspirations and your inner, domestic world. You could feel like oppressive power dynamics with higher-ups are taking a toll on your mental and emotional well-being, or your own desire to step into power on the job could be making it tough for you to show up for and be present with loved ones now. This transit can feel truly overwhelming, especially because it involves fellow fixed signs and your co-ruler, Pluto, but you’re a master of transformation, so there’s no doubt you can pinpoint the light, which could come in the form of an opportunity or a solution.
Click through for more on Scorpio.
What Sun opposite Pluto 2024 means for Sagittarius
With the vitality-bringing sun just having moved into your adventure zone once it opposes Pluto in your communication sector, you could feel like your gut impulses aren’t matching up with your outward conversations with friends or colleagues. It could be that you want to spread your wings, learn about new philosophies, soak up knowledge and expand your horizons, but commitments to your social circle or network require that you hunker down and pour your cerebral energy into intense collaborative projects now. Try to reframe the moment as a chance to nurture these platonic relationships and flex your communication skills ahead of following your innermost impulses.
Click here for more on Sagittarius.
What Sun opposite Pluto 2024 means for Capricorn
Just as Leo season begins to activate your joint resources zone, the sun there will oppose Pluto in your money zone, setting up a push-pull between your desire to work with a loved one or someone special on shared financial goals and your need to strike out on your own to boost cash flow. Tough underlying emotions like envy or disparate power dynamics could come into play now, which could be a case for sticking to your typically pragmatic point of view to navigate this rocky moment. But you’ll also do well to acknowledge and move through difficult feelings that are better dealt with now than swept under the rug.
Click through for more on Capricorn.
What Sun opposite Pluto 2024 means for Aquarius
As the sun shifts into your partnership zone, it’ll oppose Pluto in your sign, which can’t help but put underlying dynamics of one-on-one relationships into sharp focus. Your need to care for your own confidence and sense of self is at an all-time high, and that could clash with expectations from a dear friend, loved one, business partner or significant other. Don’t be surprised if someone is acting in a manipulative way or resentment that has been festering rears its ugly head. You can manage situations like this by being honest with yourself about reciprocity within your relationships. And potentially showing up in a new way — or moving in a truly different direction — could prove empowering.
Click through for more on Aquarius.
What Sun opposite Pluto 2024 means for Pisces
The sun will have just moved into your wellness and daily routine sector when it opposes transformative Pluto in your spirituality zone, drumming up inner conflict between tackling everyday to-dos while putting your nose to the grindstone on the job and tending to your psychological well-being. You could find that a regular commitment, like a side hustle or workout plan, is adding more stress than it's worth, and it’s time for you to switch gears. Because this transit is so psychological, changing how you’re thinking about this part of your life will be key to feeling revitalized and on track.
Click through for more on Pisces.
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