A New Survey Shows Women Unaware of Heart Risks
Besides blood pressure, do you know your heart numbers?
If you don't, you're not alone. According to a new CVS Health survey of more than 1,100 women, conducted by Morning Consult in partnership with the American Heart Association, more women need to obtain this vital information.
Here's what the survey says:
Many women remain unaware of their own risk factors for heart disease. With the exception of blood pressure - which 65 percent of women report knowing - other measures of heart health remain under-recognized. Six in 10 women, for example, are unaware of their cholesterol levels (57%), blood sugar levels (58%), BMI (61%), and waist circumference (62%).
Plus, the findings also found that although 92% of women think heart-related conditions are a major health issue in the U.S., less than half (45%) were able to identify that heart disease is the leading cause of death among women. (Indeed, it's the #1 killer of women, which is more than all cancers combined.
The study continues:
Despite the fact that over a third report having a heart condition themselves, and more than two in five have a family history of heart conditions, just 18 percent of women overall say heart health is the most pressing health issue in the U.S. today.
Want to take action? You can discover your numbers by visiting your doctor, then come up with an action plan to manage or address any risk factors. Or, find a local MinuteClinic, where nurse practitioners and pharmacists can help you manage your heart health.
Check out the full survey results.
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