'Survivor 45's Challenge Twist Shakes Up the Votes Like Never Before
Jake O'Kane, Bruce Perreault, and Emily Flippen compete in an Immunity Challenge on 'Survivor 45'
Last week produced a game-changing blindside that sent out a former frontrunner. Now her allies are left to pick up the pieces among the Final 9 castaways, as the majority prepare their next target. But complications arise, between allies wanting different targets, and a brand new twist throwing the number of votes up in the air.
Check out more information about tonight's episode below and find out who was voted out.
Related: Everything to Know About Survivor 45
Who got voted off on Survivor 45 tonight?
Robert Voets / CBS
Kendra McQuarrie
For the second time this game, Kendra was left on the outside of a blindside, as she watched yet another Belo member go. After losing her Day 1 friend, she made some enemies when she wanted to take a shot straight at Dee. Though she feasted on rotisserie chicken on what would be her last day in the game, it was her own position that was about to get roasted. The Reba majority went back and forth between Kendra or Jake as possible options. In the end, Dee got her way, and Kendra was shocked yet again by another blindside, this time with herself as the target.
Were any advantages found or played on Survivor 45 tonight?
This week saw a brand new twist in the challenge. The Final 9 were divided into three trios to start. Whichever trio finished in last in the first part of the challenge automatically lost their votes for that night's Tribal Council. Austin, Emily, and Katurah were those people. They were sent on a journey for a chance to earn them back by solving a math logic puzzle. Austin was the only one to succeed, getting his vote back. Emily and Katurah failed, cementing their lost votes.
Related: Meet the Full Cast of Survivor 45
Who's left in the game on Survivor 45?
–Austin Li Coon
–Bruce Perreault
–Dee Valladares
–Drew Basile
–Emily Flippen
–Jake O'Kane
–Julie Alley
–Katurah Topps
Next, check out our interview with Kellie Nalbandian, who was voted out in Survivor 45 Episode 8.