'Survivor 45's Merge Ends with a Wild and Chaotic Vote
The 'Survivor 45' contestants draw teams at the "Mergatory" challenge
After a wild premerge, the tribes all came together on this episode of Survivor 45. With 13 people on one beach, chaos reigned, as half the tribe became immune and former tribemates became enemies. It all culminated at an all-time Tribal Council, as one big move caused frantic whispering and a last-minute pivot
Check out more information about tonight's episode below and find out who was voted out.
Related: Everything to Know About Survivor 45
Who got voted off on Survivor 45 tonight?
Robert Voets / CBS
Janani "J. Maya" Krishnan-Ja
J. Maya's boot episode was a culmination of her 13 days on Survivor 45. In the premerge, she took credit for a vote against Sifu, and was earning distrust from Dee and Julie. She did get an advantage, but deprived Austin of a much-desired sandwich. So when the tribes merged, the former Rebas took the opportunity to immediately turn on her. J. Maya was granted a reprieve when everyone turned on Kaleb, putting all their votes on the Canadian. But that calm was short-lived, as he successfully played his Shot in the Dark. With all votes nullified, J. Maya scrambled to avoid a revote. Unfortunately, her chorus ended on a low note, as she crossed the bridge out of Tribal Council.
Were any advantages found or played on Survivor 45 tonight?
Yes! Bruce found a Beware Advantage at the Lulu camp, which required him to dig in the middle of the shelter. It was a race against the clock, but Bruce was able to find the idol just before they left for the merge, making sure he didn't lose his vote. Additionally, at Tribal Council, Austin chose to sacrifice his vote once again to power up his idol. That means his idol is now fully-functioning and lasts until the Final Five.
Related: Meet the Full Cast of Survivor 45
Who's left in the game on Survivor 45?
–Austin Li Coon
–Bruce Perreault
–Dee Valladares
–Drew Basile
–Emily Flippen
–Jake O'Kane
–Julie Alley
–Kaleb Gebrewold
–Katurah Topps
–Kellie Nalbandian
–Kendra McQuarrie
–Nicholas "Sifu" Alsup
Next, check out our interview with Brandon "Brando" Meyer, who was voted out in Survivor 45 Episode 5.