T&C Horoscopes: What the First Half of October Has in Store for Us
October 1-15: If you’re under pressure to make a crucial decision, wait until Jupiter comes to your rescue on the 4th. With a powerful new Moon happening in your birth sign on the 6th, all kinds of start-ups are accented and Pluto’s direct motion frees you to let go of the past and move on. Saturn’s direct motion on the 11th gives a go signal to creative projects, and the 13th favors commitments.
Left: Alfred Nobel
October 1-15: Diplomacy is the way to win near the 2nd, and with your ruling planet, Pluto, turning direct on the 6th, clarity about where you’re headed is dawning, freeing you to make bold moves. Saturn’s direct motion on the 11th is all about the lifting of burdens and personal restrictions—so be ready to act on your convictions and best hopes by the 14th.
Left: Indira Gandhi
October 1-15: If you’re grappling with financial decisions near the 1st, bear in mind that the overall picture will change once Pluto changes direction on the 6th, and a new Moon lights up the most future oriented part of your chart. Harmonizing Venus enters your birth sign on the 7th, heightening your charm and ability to make an impact—especially when Saturn changes direction on the 11th.
Left: Bruce Lee
October 1-15: Try to take advantage of financial opportunities that crop up near the 4th, and get out and show your accomplishments to the world near the 6th—which is also a decisive day for you. Venus entering Sagittarius on the 7th means that your best moments will happen in private settings. Financially, the period between the 11th and 13th frees you to make decisions and changes.
Left: Muhammad Ali
October 1-15: A career-related concern should lift off near the 4th and with Venus on the move on the 7th, it’s time to reach out and expand your social connections. Distant events may be impacting your affairs near the 9th, but the big news is that Saturn’s change of direction on the 11th is taking you towards a turning point when you’re ready to make crucial changes and moves.
Left: Virginia Woolf
October 1-15: You’ll be able to make some important decisions and changes of direction by the 6th, and more support will be coming your way. With Venus rising to the top of your chart by the 7th, it’s time to get out and around. Your star is on the rise and financially you can make some more profitable arrangements if you’re ready to make demands by the 12th.
Left: Nina Simone
October 1-15: Don’t take offense when others don’t see eye to eye with you near the 1st because all will be in your favor by the 4th. A new Moon happening in your relationship angle on the 6th is all about being receptive to what others have to say and offer, but with Mars—your aggressive ruler—strongly in the frame near the 8th and 9th, tempers may flare. Wait until after the 11th to make new arrangements and agreements.
Left: Maya Angelou
October 1-15: The 2nd is the right time to strike new deals in personal relationships and in business matters. The new Moon energy on the 6th is favorable for work related changes and start-ups so get ready to be busy—even a bit stressed near the 8th—and to prove your worth. With major planetary shifts happening at the zenith of your chart, rewards will follow.
Left: Audrey Hepburn
October 1-15: “Don’t worry, be happy,” is what the planets are telling you near the 4th, and the new Moon of the 6th will be lighting up the most playful and creative angle of your chart. Venus’ entrance into Sagittarius on the 7th is also a sign that relationships will be in a harmonious stage and magic can happen. New arrangements you make near the 13th promise to be beneficial.
Left: Josephine Baker
October 1-15: Whatever occurs near the 4th will prove that you’ve been right in your own judgements. Get ready to be more creative and self-motivated where work related matters are concerned once Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th—and also to move forward with demanding but ultimately rewarding home-related projects near the 8th and 9th. You will receive the thumbs-up you’ve been hoping for by the 13th.
Left: Princess Diana
October 1-15: Go ahead and reach out because others will be ready to agree with your ideas and visions near the new Moon of the 6th. Be ready, though, to state your case without being overly aggressive when feisty Mars is very much in the picture near the 8th. Aspects involving Venus and Saturn point to positive developments in close relationships near the 12th.
October 1-15: Examine all sides of new—and especially financial—possibilities so that you’ll be ready to make important moves by the new Moon of the 6th. Venus coming to the nadir of your solar chart on the 7th means that home-related situations and personal relationships are entering a positive stage. Try to avoid impulsive actions near the 10th, though, and be ready to take on new responsibilities by the 13th.
Left: Freddie Mercury
A bi-monthly look at what's to come for your sign courtesy of T&C's master astrologer, Katharine Merlin. Here's what we know for October 2021.