Affordable Care Act

  • Lifestyle
    Yahoo Life

    Working mom praised after closing store to breast-pump: 'Moms gotta do what they gotta do'

    "I had two choices ... run back and forth to pump every couple of minutes to check out customers or lock the doors and pump as needed...," Edgington wrote in a Facebook post.

  • Health
    Yahoo Life

    'I left the store feeling mortified': Transgender woman says CVS pharmacist refused to fill her prescription

    CVS has apologized to a transgender woman named Hilde Hall after a pharmacist refused to fill her prescription. Hilde Hall described the incident in a Thursday blog post for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

  • News
    Yahoo Life

    Super Bowl Sunday is also World Cancer Day. Here's how the NFL is doing its part

    Super Bowl LII, where the New England Patriots will take on the Philadelphia Eagles, coincides with World Cancer Day. The NFL and the American Cancer Society have been partners in the fight against cancer for nearly a decade.

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    Yahoo Life

    Minnesota Mom’s Breast-Pumping Jury Duty Story Goes Viral

    The Affordable Care Act mandates that all workplaces provide nursing mothers with breaks and a private room in which to express breastmilk. It doesn’t mention jury duty.

  • News
    Yahoo Life

    Congressional Hopeful Puts Planned Double Mastectomy on Campaign’s Center Stage

    Alejandra Campoverdi, former Obama staffer and first-time political candidate, is bringing her family’s struggle with breast cancer — and her own upcoming voluntary double mastectomy — into the campaign spotlight. In a very crowded California special election being held for a spot in the U.S. House of Representatives, this idea of putting the personal into politics is very much in play, as candidate Alejandra Campoverdi is highlighting her medical history as a reason voters should send her to W

  • News
    Tanya Edwards

    President Vetoes Bill to Repeal Health Care Law, Defund Planned Parenthood

    Republican lawmakers have pushed many repeal measures since 2010, when Obama signed the health care program into law. Republicans have argued that the law is costly and doesn’t work. In his veto message to Congress, Obama disagreed.

  • News
    Tanya Edwards

    Congress Attempts to Repeal Affordable Healthcare Act for 62nd Time

    Rep. Rob Woodall, R-Ga., offers his criticisms of the Affordable Care Act as the House Rules Committee prepares legislation that would repeal President Barack Oabma’s signature health care law. After dozens of failed attempts to undo President Barack Obama’s health care law, the GOP-led Congress will finally put a bill on the president’s desk striking at the heart of his signature legislative achievement. Obama will veto the bill, and so the ultimate outcome will be the same as the many previo

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    Jennifer Gerson Uffalussy

    2 Important Healthcare Issues You Need to Know About After Democratic Debate

    Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton during Tuesday evening’s debate.?(Photo: AP File)? The first debate among the Democrats vying for their party’s nomination for president was held Tuesday night (Oct. 13) in Las Vegas. Just as much of the evening focused on just two of the five candidates — former Secretary of State, New York senator, and First Lady Hillary Clinton and Vermont senator Bernie Sanders — when it came to health policy, the conversation was focused

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