
  • Health
    Yahoo Life

    Why this form of skin cancer strikes men harder than women

    While early detection ensures a 99 percent?five-year survival rate of this usually slow-growing cancer, melanoma remains the most fatal form.

  • News
    Yahoo Life

    What are beauty DNA kits, and why are they popping up everywhere?

    The recent at-home DNA boom is also shaping the beauty industry, as new kit options allow you to test the health of your hair and skin, giving you major insight into how soon you'll go gray and how your skin reacts to harmful UVA/UVB rays.

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    Yahoo Life

    Woman Describes Living a Life Knowing Exactly How She’s Going to Die

    Joselin Linder and her family share a deadly genetic disorder. A woman with a genetic defect so rare that it doesn’t have a name yet, 42-year-old Joselin Linder is a carrier of what’s known as an “orphan gene,” a genetic defect that could have fatal consequences. “There are days I have to force off my fears in order to get out of bed,” she tells the New York Post in an exclusive interview: “And there are other days when I know that being this near death reminds me how much I love life.

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    Korin Miller

    A Baby Is Born With Three Biological Parents

    This story will blow your mind. Scientists made the announcement after using DNA from three people to create a healthy baby, named Abrahim Hassan, in Mexico.

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    Simone Olivero

    ‘My sister and I are having a baby,’ says Australian man

    Samuel Leighton-Dore is a 24-year-old gay man who desperately wants to start a family with his partner, Bradley Tennant. Leighton-Dore admits that even his mother has had difficultly wrapping her head around the arrangement.

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    Well + Good on Yahoo

    This Skin Care Product Won a Nobel Prize

    It turns out that a small but growing group of beauty brands—Estee Lauder and Neova among them—have been incorporating this very research into their products, via DNA repair enzymes. RELATED: This Organic Beauty Brand Stops Breast Cancer Before It Starts The enzymes are generally derived from botanical sources such as plankton, mustard green plants, and algae, and they’ve been proven to assist cells in the repair process and—get this—stop skin cancer in its tracks. “After the age of 30, we sta

  • News
    Yahoo Health

    Your Genes May Determine How Much You Sit — And What That Does to Your Weight

    There has been an explosion in our knowledge of the genes involved in susceptibility to obesity,” lead author Yann Klimentidis of the University of Arizona in Tucson told Reuters Health by phone. Klimentidis and colleagues used two large, long-term studies involving more than 4,000 subjects each, known as the Framingham Heart Study and the Women’s Health Initiative, to examine whether a common variant of a gene called FTO was related to self-reported time spent sitting. Klimentidis said that o

  • News
    Molly Shea

    How Brown-Eyed Parents Can Have a Blue-Eyed Kid

    Did you know that blue eyes are a genetic mutation, and a pretty recent one at that? And that despite what you may have learned in science class, it’s not all that uncommon for two brown-eyed parents to birth a blue-eyed baby? Learn more about eye color in the video above.? Watch This Next:?30 Things You May Not Have Realized About Coffe

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