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    Yahoo Life

    Woman shares skin cancer selfie to show young girls the dangers of tanning beds

    Mallory Lubbock, 26, from Iowa took to Facebook to share a series of images she took of her face?that show her recent experience dealing with a cancer scare.

  • News
    Yahoo Life

    Scientists Created a Treatment That Can Make Skin Tan Without the Sun

    David E. Fisher, MD, PhD, and his team at Massachusetts General Hospital set out to tan skin while combating the risk of?cancers?and?aging?that can result from sun exposure?— and it looks as if they’re well on their way. As a follow-up to a study released in 2006, Fisher and his?team just came out with findings of an ingredient that may be applied topically to darken the appearance of human skin in a way that mimics the natural tanning process. Yahoo Beauty spoke with Dr. Fisher about the reas

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