Taking Care Of An Orchid Isn’t As Hard As You Might Think
If you’re a loyal lurker of the home decor space on Instagram, then you may have noticed that plants are having a major moment right now (#plantsmakepeoplehappy). Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like people have a renewed interest in flexing their greenthumbs, and why not? Plants can instantly switch up the vibes of any home, purify the air by filtering out all the bad stuff, and even add a fragrant smell to your home, if you’ve chosen greenery with aromatic properties.
So, if you’re considering adding a plant to your home, you don’t have to stick solely to green vines. Flowering plants are just as easy to maintain as more popular indoor plants like spider plants, but you do have to consider a few things before your relationship with a new bud can, ahem blossom.
The first: What is your indoor environment like? "One of the major (and most important) keys to successfully taking care of flowering plants is access to natural sunlight," says indoor plant expert and founder of Desk Plants Lawrence Hanley. If your home doesn’t have access to natural light, you may want to consider investing in artificial fluorescent lighting specifically made for plants.
Once you find the perfect spot for your new plant, Hanley says to keep an eye on three things: sunlight, humidity, and adequate water. The flower plant you choose will have unique instructions for its care, so you'll definitely want to keep those handy.
Elle Meager, founder of gardening blog Outdoor Happens, adds that indoor plants are especially susceptible to insects and disease, so you need to keep a close eye on them. "Either remove the pest by hand or treat them with an appropriate, preferably organic (since you’re bringing it into your home) pesticide," she says.
As long as you keep up with routine maintenance, there’s no reason your flowering plant shouldn’t thrive even when growing indoors. Need some green inspo? Here’s a list of 20 plants that boast beautiful blooms and are easy to grow indoors.
"Geraniums are super easy to care for. They need well-draining potting soil and minimal watering," says Meager. "They’ll flower well in a bright light position and are available in a wide variety of flower colors, as well as scented-leaf varieties."
To make sure your geraniums thrive, keep them away from the cold as frosty conditions can threaten their growth.
Hirt's Gardens
If you're looking to add some (almost) effortless decor to your home, African violets can easily fit into all your bright corners. "The African Violet is a small plant, which means you can put one everywhere," says Meager. "It flowers well indoors and actually prefers an indoor position in bright but indirect light."
To help your African violets thrive, beware of overwatering or using poor soil. "This plant needs a very well draining potting mix, so choose a mix specifically created for them or add vermiculite or peat moss to your potting mix."
Kalanchoe are thick-leaved plants that produce clusters of tiny flowers, and they're relatively low maintenance.
"Kalanchoes are succulents, which are the easiest plant to care for, together with cacti," explains Meager. "Avoid overwatering, and you’ll have gorgeous flowers for many months of the year." They only need to be watered when you feel the soil is dry.
If you want to bloom more flowers, she recommends simply deadheading the flowers that have already bloomed. To do this, you simply cut off the flower stem below the flower and just above the first set of leaves.
Orchids can make an elegant addition to any home, but caring for them can get a little tricky, says Meager. The reward for your extra effort? Orchids produce beautiful flowers in a rainbow of colors from white to soft pink.
But to help them thrive, Meager recommends regular misting flowers and watering soil, but only once the top two inches are dry. Her pro tip: Add a tiny amount of seaweed solution each time you mist.
If you're looking for a scented option, then go with some Jasmine. "No flower smells quite as good as the Jasmine, and growing one in your home is like a scent diffuser. It fills the house with fragrance," says Meager.
To properly care for Jasmine, place it in a bright area and make sure you're watering it regularly. They can handle the occasional missed watering, but don't make a habit of it to maintain a healthy plant.
Costa Farms
Begonias are a great indoor addition for plant parents, says Hanley, but they may require extra attention if you want them to keep blooming. "To promote repeat blooms does require a bit more work, but with the help of some extra care around light schedule and water, it is quite an easy process."
You want to place them in a humid location that gets access to bright, but indirect light. You should also water the flower below the leaves, as getting the leaves wet can promote fungus issues.
Costa Farms
"Bromeliads are epiphytes, which means they derive their nutrients and moisture from their environment, rather than from the soil. Many epiphytes are very self-sufficient and require little care," says Meager. Their flowers bloom in a ton of colors, including purple, green, orange, and yellow.
In order to care for bromeliads, place them on a windowsill that is well-lit but away from direct light, and make sure they're potted into well-draining soil. Keep in mind that the soil should never be soaked, as these plants are tolerant of drought conditions.
National Plant Network
Also an epiphyte, anthurium "prefers a low-light position, which makes it great as an indoor plant," says Meager. "They appreciate a mist with some water regularly to keep the humidity levels up, but other than that, they’re very low TLC."
Keep the plant in a bright space away from direct sunlight, and water when you notice the first inch of soil feels dry. If leaves start to droop, that's a sign your anthurium is thirsty.
Anthurium can be poisonous, so if you opt for this plant, keep it out of reach from pets or small children.
National Plant Network
"Peace lilies make great options for indoor blooming plants because they can live with relatively little care in interior spaces," says Hanley. The plant produces white "flowers," that aren't really flowers, but more so special leaves.
Peace lilies are pretty low maintenance when it comes to their watering schedule, so don't water these unless the soil feels dry to the touch.
Worth noting: If you're a cat parent, these are not a good option for your home, as peace lilies can be poisonous to feline friends.
Costa Farms
If you don't have access to many windows in your home, you may want to look into Christmas cacti, as they don't need natural sunlight and can produce an array of colorful flowers.
"Christmas Cacti are great because they don't need a whole lot of water, and they can withstand artificial light sources to survive," says Hanley. If you are going to place them on a window, make sure it's east-facing and an area that only gets a moderate amount of light.
As for watering, add enough water to keep the soil just barely moist.
If you tend to get forgetful, then the crown of thorns is your perfect match. "This flowering houseplant thrives on neglect, so set it and forget it," says Hanley.
To care for crown of thorns, place it near a window where it gets at least a few hours of direct sunlight a day. Make sure the soil is dry before you water it, and never leave the roots sitting in water as that can lead them to rot.
Hoo Product
Clivia plants bloom bright flowers ranging from yellow to pale orange to red. "These plants are easy to grow inside," says Hanley. "They do well in room temperature and are relatively well adapted to dryer conditions and lower amounts of natural sunlight."
To care for clivia, make sure you invest in well-draining soil and keep them in a bright place that isn't in the path of direct sunlight.
Gloxinas are related to the African violet, and they're capable of producing bell-shaped flowers in bright colors like red, purple, and pink.
They grow well in indoor conditions, but Hanley says you should pay close attention to the soil's dampness and access to natural light.
You'll want to place them in a bright area that's illuminated by sunlight, but that isn't in the direct path of the sun's rays. Direct sunlight can lead to premature aging or leaf burn.
Spring Hill Nurseries
Hoya is a tropical plant that will produce waxy leaves and vines, as well as scented flower clusters. "They’re particularly suited to hanging baskets, or you can provide a support for them to grow up. Sit one on a shelf to hang down or hang it in the bathroom," suggests Meager.
To care for the hoya, make sure it's potted in well-draining soil, since it's sensitive to overwatering. Grow them in moderate to bright indirect light.
In some places, oxalis may be considered an invasive weed. They're known as false shamrocks, but can come in a range of colors besides green.
Oxalis is pretty easy to grow, as it doesn't require too much maintenance. Just place it an area with bright indirect light, and water it weekly when the soil is dry, especially during the warmer months.
Gardenia can be temperamental, says Meager, but its stunning flowers are well worth the maintenance. "It needs a bright position, plenty of water, and plenty of food," she notes.
Its leaves tend to go yellow regularly, but you can use Epsom salt to combat this, advises Meager. Mix the salt with water, and sprinkle it around the plant to give it a boost.
Hibiscus needs a bright and sunny area to grow. If you feel you don't have enough access to that inside your home, consider investing in fluorescent lights that will help promote the plant's growth.
Hibiscus thrives in tropical weather, so you may want to consider leaving it outside during the warmer months and only growing it indoors during the winter.
These plants make the most appearances during the holiday season, but poinsettias can be grown all year long. To care for yours, place it on a bright and sunny window—the more direct sunlight the better.
Make sure it's planted in well-draining soil and that you only water it when the soil feels dry to the touch.
A great aromatic plant, lavender can bloom fragrant purple flowers and is pretty simple to grow at home.
To keep your lavender thriving, make sure it's potted in fast draining soil, don't overwater it, and make sure it gets as much access to sunlight as it can.
Amaryllis is great indoors—in fact, Meager says she's even grown the bulbs straight in water.
To care for this plant, place it in a cool, but bright location with bright, but indirect light, and never wet the part of the bulb above the soil. Water it frequently below the soil, but avoid soaking the plant.
Taking Care Of An Orchid Isn’t As Hard As You Might Think
If you’re a loyal lurker of the home decor space on Instagram, then you may have noticed that plants are having a major moment right now (#plantsmakepeoplehappy). Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like people have a renewed interest in flexing their greenthumbs, and why not? Plants can instantly switch up the vibes of any home, purify the air by filtering out all the bad stuff, and even add a fragrant smell to your home, if you’ve chosen greenery with aromatic properties.
So, if you’re considering adding a plant to your home, you don’t have to stick solely to green vines. Flowering plants are just as easy to maintain as more popular indoor plants like spider plants, but you do have to consider a few things before your relationship with a new bud can, ahem blossom.
The first: What is your indoor environment like? "One of the major (and most important) keys to successfully taking care of flowering plants is access to natural sunlight," says indoor plant expert and founder of Desk Plants Lawrence Hanley. If your home doesn’t have access to natural light, you may want to consider investing in artificial fluorescent lighting specifically made for plants.
Once you find the perfect spot for your new plant, Hanley says to keep an eye on three things: sunlight, humidity, and adequate water. The flower plant you choose will have unique instructions for its care, so you'll definitely want to keep those handy.
Elle Meager, founder of gardening blog Outdoor Happens, adds that indoor plants are especially susceptible to insects and disease, so you need to keep a close eye on them. "Either remove the pest by hand or treat them with an appropriate, preferably organic (since you’re bringing it into your home) pesticide," she says.
As long as you keep up with routine maintenance, there’s no reason your flowering plant shouldn’t thrive even when growing indoors. Need some green inspo? Here’s a list of 20 plants that boast beautiful blooms and are easy to grow indoors.
Two words: seaweed solution.
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